SSM 7: Ethics and Law Portfolio Catherine Hale
What is SSM7:Ethics and Law? After collaboration with last year’s Year 5, this is a revised version of SSM7 After collaboration with last year’s Year 5, this is a revised version of SSM7 Formally runs in Year 5 until 9 th March 2009: hand in date Formally runs in Year 5 until 9 th March 2009: hand in date Revisiting the principles of medical ethics and law from MBChB 1 & 2 Revisiting the principles of medical ethics and law from MBChB 1 & 2 Hopefully you’ve already had the opportunity to reflect in your clinical placements to date on the ethics and law you learnt in years 1 & 2 Hopefully you’ve already had the opportunity to reflect in your clinical placements to date on the ethics and law you learnt in years 1 & 2 However, this SSM provides you with an opportunity for a formal demonstration of your awareness of ethico-legal issues in health care practice However, this SSM provides you with an opportunity for a formal demonstration of your awareness of ethico-legal issues in health care practice
AIMS of SSM7:Ethics and Law In the assessment of your Portfolio we will be looking at your ability to apply core ethical and legal concepts to the analysis of critical issues / situations In the assessment of your Portfolio we will be looking at your ability to apply core ethical and legal concepts to the analysis of critical issues / situations This is to ensure that you have the skills necessary to deal with ethical/legal problems in clinical practice as qualified doctors This is to ensure that you have the skills necessary to deal with ethical/legal problems in clinical practice as qualified doctors
What is going to be in your portfolio? A write up of two cases from your clinical practice detailing the clinical case and ethical and legal issues it raises A write up of two cases from your clinical practice detailing the clinical case and ethical and legal issues it raises Each case should cover a different range of ethical and legal issues encountered during MBChB 3, 4 or 5. Each case should cover a different range of ethical and legal issues encountered during MBChB 3, 4 or 5. Each write-up should be 750 words long Each write-up should be 750 words long Your write up of your chosen cases should use the “reflective practitioner” model style of analysis, which in summary means for SSM7 that you reflect on the ethical/problem; possible ways to resolve it and then state what you have learnt in the process. Your write up of your chosen cases should use the “reflective practitioner” model style of analysis, which in summary means for SSM7 that you reflect on the ethical/problem; possible ways to resolve it and then state what you have learnt in the process.
Reflective Practitioner “Reflection-on-action" is what we usually mean when we refer to reflective practice. This is the reflecting you do after the event: thinking through, and often discussing the incident with a colleague. “Reflection-on-action" is what we usually mean when we refer to reflective practice. This is the reflecting you do after the event: thinking through, and often discussing the incident with a colleague. It involves being self aware, not just being ruminative or naval gazing. Rather it should be action orientated and lead to change It involves being self aware, not just being ruminative or naval gazing. Rather it should be action orientated and lead to change “Reflection-in-action is when you are working, and being aware of what you are doing at the same time. This is the way any confident, experienced practitioner works, it involves knowing and doing at the same time “Reflection-in-action is when you are working, and being aware of what you are doing at the same time. This is the way any confident, experienced practitioner works, it involves knowing and doing at the same time
How do you choose cases for your portfolio? The two cases that you choose for write-up will normally be relevant to either your chosen area of study for your Year 5 SSA project, or an area/topic/case that you are particularly interested in The two cases that you choose for write-up will normally be relevant to either your chosen area of study for your Year 5 SSA project, or an area/topic/case that you are particularly interested in You can choose any clinical cases from MBChB Years 3,4 or 5 You can choose any clinical cases from MBChB Years 3,4 or 5 Cases should cover a different range of ethical and legal issues- I.e: please do not submit more than one case on each topic Cases should cover a different range of ethical and legal issues- I.e: please do not submit more than one case on each topic
Write-up of Clinical Cases You need to summarise the facts of the problem, what the ethical/legal issues were and how issues were dealt with and resolved. You need to summarise the facts of the problem, what the ethical/legal issues were and how issues were dealt with and resolved. In each case you will describe the ethical and legal principles that apply to each case, then an analysis of how these principles were addressed in the management of the case. In each case you will describe the ethical and legal principles that apply to each case, then an analysis of how these principles were addressed in the management of the case. As a reflective practitioner you need to state what you have learnt and how you would deal with a similar problem in the future. As a reflective practitioner you need to state what you have learnt and how you would deal with a similar problem in the future. Where appropriate, you should suggest ways in which you might handle the case differently and detail what you have learnt by analysing each case. Where appropriate, you should suggest ways in which you might handle the case differently and detail what you have learnt by analysing each case.
Q & A Plenary sessions Optional ethics and law plenary sessions - if you want to discuss something about your SSM7 clinical case, or about the assembly of your portfolio Optional ethics and law plenary sessions - if you want to discuss something about your SSM7 clinical case, or about the assembly of your portfolio
Optional SSM7 Plenary times in LT4 Mon 3/11/ Mon 3/11/ Wed 3/12/ Wed 3/12/ Mon 19/01/ Mon 19/01/ Tue 03/02/ Tue 03/02/
Online Discussion Board If you have any questions and don’t want to come to one of the plenary sessions then you can post your question on the SSM7 Discussion Board on the Year 5 website and I will reply to you If you have any questions and don’t want to come to one of the plenary sessions then you can post your question on the SSM7 Discussion Board on the Year 5 website and I will reply to you Please do not me directly re: SSM7 Please do not me directly re: SSM7 The Discussion Board will be checked on a weekly basis The Discussion Board will be checked on a weekly basis
Presentation of Portfolio Hand in date for portfolios- Med School Office- 9th March 2009 Hand in date for portfolios- Med School Office- 9th March 2009 A4 folder A4 folder Title page, with candidate number Title page, with candidate number Index Index Clinical Cases- write up Clinical Cases- write up