Assistive Technology for Carpentry
Assistive Technology What is assistive technology? What kinds of assistive technology can be used for various disabilities? Real life stories What can be done in your workplace to make it accessible? Where can you find more information?
What is Assistive Technology? a generic term that includes assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices for people with disabilities and includes the process used in selecting, locating, and using them - Wikipedia any item, piece of equipment or product system that is used to improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. - National Center for Technology in Ireland any item, whether purchased off the shelf, or customised, which enhances an individual’s independence. - Enable Ireland
Assistive Technology Examples Visually Impaired Head wearing magnifier McJing Tools Braille ruler Bugz-Eye Blademate From Bugz-Eye International Corp.
Assistive Technology Examples Visually Impaired Braille Labeler 3M Talking Scales Independent Living Aids, LLC
Assistive Technology Examples Mobility D-Grip Handle Motus Inc. The Ultimate Package Opener
Carl Grey works in Atlantic Homecare’s garden centre. He is a wheelchair user. "The taps in the gardening centre were positioned high on top of the wall and because I am in a wheelchair I couldn’t reach them", explains Carl. "My employers lowered all the taps to accommodate me. I also use a lifting aid for picking things up off the ground." Apart from assistive technology, creating an inclusive work space goes a long way in allowing disabled workers prosper. An Example
Groupwork What can be done to make your workspace more accessible? Work in pairs/groups Make at least three suggestions
Suggestions Keep all the tools organised in the same location Label the tools with a braille labeler Use a D-grip on large tools
Summary Assistive technology helps the disabled perform tasks A variety of tools are available for many needs Assistive technology can be inexpensive However, making the workplace more accessible is important People have a responsibility to make our society accessible