Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 A strategy for publications. Part I Maria-Luz SEOANE.


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Presentation transcript:

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 A strategy for publications. Part I Maria-Luz SEOANE

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 A strategy for publications. Part I 1.Steps towards modernisation 2.New editorial policy & handbook 3.Achievements 4. Areas for development 1

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 Long tradition of INE as an editor 1858: 1st statistical yearbook published Evolution: statistical production expanded 1990: over 100 titles/ year + other published material random approach to publications and difficult to identify them as INE products …. need for standardisation & branding Conclusion 1- Steps towards modernisation 2

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 What did we do? Employed a team of consultants (90-91) Standardisation: branding, layout, colour coding Implemented Result: 1993 INE´s first editorial handbook - for paper products Because paper was king!! 1- Steps towards modernisation 3

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 Logos: Layout: Colour codes: Standardisation of products & branding (a non stop process) Books - letters - questionnaires covers, pages, tables, graphs, fonts CD, web 1- Steps towards modernisation 4

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 Background to the last 150 years - From 1858 to the 90´s (dissemination on paper format) : INE website was born (marketing tool) : launch of INEbase greater access to the general public free of charge : almost all INE data available on the web Big success!! – huge impact on INE dissemination 1- Steps towards modernisation 5

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March CD-Rom (+ book) 1.5% Internet (+ CD+ book) 94% Book only 4.5% From paper production towards internet: radical transformation!! 1- Steps towards modernisation 6

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 After the arrival of internet: a new dissemination policy Today situation … The editorial handbook 2- New editorial policy & handbook 7

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 After the arrival of internet The dissemination basic instrument is under revision ( a “book of tables” is not the best product for most users) New technologies allow new alternatives - a new dissemination policy based on two rules: 1.Electronic first (on line- off line) 2.Paper format… products with some added - value - certain changes are foreseen with regard the publications 2- New editorial policy & handbook 8

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 INFORMATION available in MULTIPLE FORMATS! press releases - web CD-Rom books - marketing products What do we offer today? 2- New editorial policy & handbook This needs internal cooperation (different actors) - Author services (responsible for the results) - Press Office (press releases) - Dissemination Unit: 2 departments for electronic & paper formats 9

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 How do we offer the information? - Press release & on the web (simultaneously, rapid dissemination) - All detailed results are available on - Editorial products: CD-ROM INEbase monthly includes all the results produced in the previous month Books and other paper products …in certain cases only 2- New editorial policy & handbook 10

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 Summary of today situation - Reduction in both printed titles and books of tables Printed titles: ~ 150 in 1997 to ~ 50 in 2007 Book of tables: ~ 80 in the 90´s to 7 in In transition towards our objective: - More focused on users’ interests & needs - Encourage a more user-friendly approach of statistics 2- New editorial policy & handbook 11

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 This objective means: A new approach New roles (for both the author services and the dissemination unit) New production techniques Staff training Enhanced quality of processes Clear layout guidance for new products Some of these aspects are included in the editorial handbook New editorial policy & handbook 12

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 The editorial handbook 2- New editorial policy & handbook Compilation of: The existing information on products, procedures, INE´s image and branding, standardisation… The new editorial policy and main objectives Other practical recommendations Author: the Editorial Unit (2005) On the intranet 13

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 Internal document for author services about procedures and content guidelines: Tells me: How can I disseminate the results? Who shall I contact? Different collections, Why? Which product for which user? The editorial handbook 2- New editorial policy & handbook 14

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 Internal document for the dissemination unit with some style guidance for publications Gives me: Standard structure of each collection General layout of pages, tables, graphs, maps… Special features (corrigendum...) The editorial handbook 2- New editorial policy & handbook 15

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 I. Editorial policy II. Books and magazines III. Leaflets IV. Press Releases V. Internet publications VI. Some style notes for writers VII. Management of the paper publications ( browse it )browse 2- New editorial policy & handbook Content ( index English version )index English version The editorial handbook 16

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 First results, are we satisfied? 2- New editorial policy & handbook (+) Keeps the Know-how (share knowledge) (+) Helps to maintain standardisation (+) Cooperation among different working teams (+)Support to the editorial policy ( - ) Slow pace in implementation ( - ) It is not fully comprehensive ( - ) Updating 17

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 First results, are we satisfied? 2- New editorial policy & handbook Support to the editorial policy objectives: -More focused on users’ interests & needs -Encourage a more user-friendly approach of statistics Let´s see some achievements on the editorial policy 18

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March Achievements 2007: Decision of the Board of Directors on printed books The result: INE´s editorial plan for 2008 Some examples 3- Achievements 19

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March : Decision of the Board of Directors on printed books INE will not print books with only detailed tables (100% is on the web) INE will promote 2 collections: synthesis books & overviews THE DIRECTORS´ SUPPORT IS ESSENTIAL !! 3- Achievements 20

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March Remaining collections Institutional books (minutes + legal texts,…) Historic books Methodologies Manuals (Statistics, Demography, Sampling…) 2- New overviews & synthetic publications - Immigrants national survey - Panorama of the Environment - Urban indicators - Sustainable development indicators - Spain the EU Panorama of the Industry 3- Achievements The result: INE´s editorial plan for

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 Some examples Synthesis books - Statistical Yearbook of Spain - Monthly Statistical Bulletin (under revision) - Spain in figures - Iberian Peninsula in figures (under revision) Leaflets- INE figures Let´s take a brief look at them Achievements 22

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March Achievements free of charge (PDF) Some examples ( catalogue 23

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March Achievements Monthly publication Some examples Annual publications 24

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March Achievements The yearbook 25

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March Achievements The yearbook. Standard page layout Basic use of colour Standardised layout Use of graphs Clear identification of: Source- title – year 2007 Easy to find: Chapter & subchapter 26

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 Target: the general public Sources: INE and others (national + international) Structure: 16 chapters & 766 pages Price: 35.7 euro (paper), PDF free of charge –800 copies Annual 3- Achievements The yearbook 27

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March Achievements Spain in figures 2007 Colour & cover layout !! Standardised contents 28

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March Achievements Spain in figures. Standard page layout Clear, easy to understand texts: - Most recent data (t) - Comparison (t-1) - Rankings Simple graphs 29

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 Target: the general public Objective: panorama of the most relevant demographic, social and economic aspects of our country and its surrounding environment. Sources: INE and others (national + international) Structure: 20 chapters; 56 pages Price: 2.30 euro (paper), PDF free of charge – copies in Spanish (previous versions: – ) – copies in English Annual: published for more than 35 years, modernized in Achievements Spain in figures Marketing purposes ! 30

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March Achievements INE figures 31

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March Achievements INE figures 32

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 Latest publications summary Main indicators 3- Achievements INE figures. Standard 1 st & last page layout: the brand 33

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March Achievements INE figures. Standard page layout: 2 columns The industry in the economy as % of GDP (+) Signposting Geographical comparisons: EU & national (+) Content 34

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 Monographic on a sector 6 issues * year Target: the general public Objective: gateway to statistics on a sector Leaflet, 8 pages, only in Spanish – copies on average (to if interesting for the respondents) Price: free of charge both paper & PDF Sources: INE and others (national + international) 3- Achievements INE figures Marketing purposes ! 35

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 What do they have in common? Good signposting Visual information: - colours, graphs & maps - “selected tables” and rankings Wider scope on content: - use of different sources: other ministries, Eurostat, … - incorporate some analyses (texts) - variation over a period of time - national + international comparisons 3- Achievements 36

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March Areas for development Learning from our own experience & some examples Learning from others 4- Areas for development 37

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 Learning from our own experience 1. Size & layout Small or special formats  constrains & difficulties in layout - Iberian Peninsula in figures - Spain in figures… 2. Visual tools & colour Avoid overuse of them  rational use of visual tools (colour) 3. Use of symbols & units 4. Signposting and branding Complete identification of the publication - Monthly Statistical Bulletin 4- Areas for development 38

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 Examples of products under revision: - Monthly Statistical Bulletin - Discontinued in paper format from January Available in Pc-Axis and PDF formats - Iberian Peninsula in figures - Project developed in cooperation with INE-Portugal - 4th edition (Portuguese + Spanish) 4- Areas for development 39

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 Monthly Statistical Bulletin. Standard page layout To be improved: - Identification (INE- title – year 2007) -Basic use of colour (similar to the yearbook) Achieved: - Easy to find chapter & subchapter - Standardised layout 4- Areas for development 40

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 Iberian Peninsula in figures Cover & standard page layout 4- Areas for development 41

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 Issues for discussion - Short publications – easy access to statistics (brochures, leaflets, bulletins, news letters) - Publication on an annual basis? (sales decrease after 1 st edition) - New role: reinforcing INE´s image (marketing approach) - PDF format increasing importance - High dependence on IT tools Areas for development 42

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 Learning from others´ experience - Transborder cooperation in publications - Slovak Republic - How to make publications - Sweden - How to link publications and internet… - Eurostat - Interactive promotional products - Slovenia - Visualisation tools - Scotland - XML- Publications - Finland 1 - All statistical offices need inspiration & experience from others 2 - Different countries, different solutions: 4- Areas for development 43

Disseminating statistics: Internet and Publications. A strategy for publications Madrid, 3-5 March 2008 Thanks for your attention