Dynamical Origin of Wind Structure The effect of “velocity porosity” on P-Cygni line absorption strength Stan Owocki Bartol Research Institute Department of Physics & Astronomy University of Delaware
Key Issues What is effect of wind clumping on line-absorption? Velocity dispersion vs. Spatial Porosity What are relevant scaling parameters (cf. f , h=l/f)? In dynamical model, how important for, eg. PV?
Spatial Porosity Same amount of material More light gets through Less interaction between matter and light Incident light
Effective opacity porosity length=h
Porous envelopes h=0.5r h=r h=2r l=0.05rl=0.1rl=0.2r h l/f
Profile-weighted line column depth Step function
Line absorption trough =1
Velocity vs. Mass
vv } } VV Velocity filling factor :
Velocity vs. Mass
“Velocity Porosity” Vorosity?
Absorption reduction 0.5 f = 1 xx RARA
Line absorption smooth, =1 porous, f v = 1-v/2v
Line-Driven Instabilty sim (SSF)
Instability model CAK init. cond. radius (R ) Time (days) radius (R ) Velocity Density
Profile-weighted line column depth Wavelength (V ) Time (days) CAK init. cond.
Profile-weighted line column depth Wavelength (V ) Time (days) CAK init. cond.
Dynamic absorption spectrum-weak line Wavelength (V ) Time (days) CAK init. cond.
Dynamic absorption spectrum-weak line Wavelength (V ) Time (days) CAK init. cond.
Dynamic absorption spectrum - med. line Wavelength (V ) Time (days) CAK init. cond.
Dynamic absorption spectrum - med. line Wavelength (V ) Time (days) CAK init. cond.
Dynamic absorption spectrum-strong line Wavelength (V ) Time (days) CAK init. cond.
Dynamic absorption spectrum-strong line Wavelength (V ) Time (days) CAK init. cond.
Weak Time-Averaged Absorption Profiles Wavelength (V ) 0 I /I cont 0 1 Medium Strong
Weak Time-Averaged Absorption Profiles Wavelength (V ) 0 I /I cont 0 1 Medium Strong
Dynamic absorption spectra StrongMediumWeak Wavelength (V )
Summary Spatial porosity for continuum opacity –characterized by “porosity length” h=l/f But for line opacity, key is“velocity clumping” –characterized by f vel (and Sob of smoothed wind) Line-driven instability suggests: – f vel ~= (maybe 0.5 if seeded by low freq. pert) – Mdot misunderestimated by f vel, i.e – Maybe upto a factor 2 of the ca. 10 needed for PV
2D Simulation of Co-rotating Interaction Regions local CAK model nonlocal smooth model nonlocal structured model c. log(Density) b. a.
Profile-weighted line column depth Wavelength (V ) Time (days) CAK init. cond.
Dynamic absorption spectrum-med. line Wavelength (V ) Time (days) CAK init. cond.
Dyn. abs. spectrum - very strong line Wavelength (V ) Time (days) CAK init. cond.
Dyn. abs. spectrum - very strong line Wavelength (V ) Time (days) CAK init. cond.
Instability model: Mdot radius (R ) Time (days) CAK init. cond.