September 7, 2005Office of the Provost1 Office of the Provost FY’06 Issues and Challenges Presented to the Faculty Senate by G. P. Peterson Provost
September 7, 2005Office of the Provost2 l Expand the Research Enterprise l Enhance Education l Achieve Diversity l Redesign and Reinvigorate Enabling Activities Goals
September 7, 2005Office of the Provost3 Leadership Searches SEARCHES UNDERWAY l Vice Provost for Entrepreneurship –Iftekhar Hasan, Chair – Korn Ferry l Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Education –Search not yet established l Dean of Enrollment Management –Eddie Ade Knowles, Chair – Isaacson Miller l Dean of Science –Prabhat Hajela, Chair – Isaacson Miller l Associate Dean of Graduate Education –Lester Gerhardt, Chair l Associate Dean of Undergraduate Graduate Education –Prabhat Hajela, Chair l Department Chairs –Mechanical, Aeronautical and Nuclear Engineering –Chemical and Biological Engineering –Biomedical Engineering –Computer Science –Biology and Chemical Biology SEARCHES COMPLETED l Vice President and Dean, Rensselaer at Hartford –Search Completed – John Minasian (WPI), February 1, 2005 l Dean of Engineering –Search Completed – Alan Cramb (CMU), July 1, 2005 l Dean of Lally School of Management and Technology –David Gautschi – (Univ. of Washington), August 22, 2005 l Department Chairs –STS – Sharon Anderson-Gold –Chemistry – Linda McGown –Arts – Kathy High –LL&C – Cheryl Geisler
September 7, 2005Office of the Provost4 Provost – Key Challenges in FY 06 l Attract, develop and retain the very highest quality faculty l Continue development of the infrastructure necessary to support a major research university l Enhance communications l Complete the Constellations l Increase the size of the undergraduate inquiry and applicant pool l Attract the required number of high quality graduate students required to support the expanding research programs l Continue the development of the academic leadership l Implement of the Core Communications requirement l Examine Salary administration – pay for period worked l Stabilize enrollments – Rensselaer at Hartford
September 7, 2005Office of the Provost5 Current Initiatives l Revision of Faculty Handbook l Middle States Accreditation l Academic Program Diversity l Expand Summer School Opportunities l Review and benchmark of Faculty Teaching Loads l Formalize Department Chair Review processes (PMT’s) l Restructure Constellation Search Committee l Conduct interim review of all Tenure-track faculty l Review salary structure for women and underrepresented minority faculty l Explore AAU Membership l Conduct and analyze “Academic Integrity Survey” l Review and address problems associated with timeliness of Report Submission on Federal Grants l Develop and begin implementation of the “Undergraduate Plan”
September 7, 2005Office of the Provost6 The Undergraduate Plan l The Undergraduate Plan is a set of ongoing and new initiatives that renew our commitment in the Rensselaer Plan to “…an undergraduate experience that surpasses all others…” l The Undergraduate Plan will focus on –An educational experience enriched by research and independent inquiry Undergraduate Research ProgramUndergraduate Research Program –A breadth of study that prepares students to be good global citizens within the rapidly expanding global workplace International ExperiencesInternational Experiences –Immersive learning experiences that foster close mentoring relationships between faculty and students, and developed around topics reflecting institutional strengths and goals Living and Learning CommunitiesLiving and Learning Communities l Under girding initiatives directed towards –Enhancing academic programs and offerings –Academic support services, and –World-class instructional facilities
September 7, 2005Office of the Provost7 Opportunities to Partner with the Faculty Senate Partial list l Improving feedback mechanisms from Faculty Senate BoT representatives to the general faculty l Approval of Faculty Handbook l Mid-term grades l Dean’s list and graduation qualifications l Opening Doors – faculty involvement l Faculty/University Club l Membership in AAU l Membership in Phi Beta Kappa l Membership in Phi Kappa Phi l Enhancing Undergraduate involvement in research – URP’s l Performance Planning Presentations by the Deans l Core communications requirement implementation l Salary administration – pay for period worked