Connecting Content, Standards, and Teaching in Elementary Mathematics (CCSTEM) MSP Math Summer Institute June 18-29, 2007 CCESA and NAU in Partnership.


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Presentation transcript:

Connecting Content, Standards, and Teaching in Elementary Mathematics (CCSTEM) MSP Math Summer Institute June 18-29, 2007 CCESA and NAU in Partnership with Coconino County Teachers

On Teaching n “Effective teaching may be the hardest job there is.” –William Glasser n “Every truth has four corners: as a teacher I give you one corner, and it is for you to find the other three.” –Confucius

NCLB Title II, Part B n Improving Teacher Quality Grant Programs (Title II) are a major component of the No Child Left Behind legislation. NCLB programs encourage scientifically-based professional development as a means for improving student academic performance. n Title II, Part B of NCLB authorizes a Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP) competitive grant program.

MSP Grants n The intent of this program is to increase academic achievement of students in mathematics and science by enhancing the content knowledge and teaching skills of classroom teachers. n Core partners in these grants must include mathematics, science, and/or engineering departments from institutions of higher education (IHE), including community colleges.

MSP Grant Research n Each project must include an evaluation and accountability system that includes measurable objectives. These measures should address the impact of the activities on student achievement and teacher performance.

Evaluation Measures n Pre/Post RTOP (Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol) n Pre/Post content knowledge test n Pre/Post math teaching priorities scale n Pre/Post Frayer model assessment of key concepts (new use) n Course evaluations: logistical & content n Analysis of curriculum maps/unit/lesson plans

Professional Development Professional development means instructional activities that: n Are based on scientifically-based research and state academic content standards, professional teaching standards, and assessment; n Improve and increase teachers’ content knowledge of the academic subjects they teach; n Enable teachers to become highly qualified or appropriately certified; n Are sustained, intensive, and classroom-focused in order to have a positive and lasting impact on classroom instruction and the teacher’s performance in the classroom.

CCSTEM History Sept. ’06 Needs assessment – disproportionate number of respondents circled “not taught” for topics within certain strands of the AZ math standards such as: n analyzing mathematical situations using algebraic representations n analyzing change in a variable over time and in various contexts n describing and modeling functions and their relationships n describing spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems n understand and apply vertex-edge graphs

Interpretation n Our perception, in looking at the data, is not that these topics are not taught, but that there is a misunderstanding of how what happens in math lessons reflects the language and content of the standards. n Given this perception we have designed the content for the two weeks and the follow-up days around these areas.

Content Pedagogy Required integration of content and pedagogy by the grant: 1.Learn the content 2.Reinforce the content learning 3.Consolidate the learning 4.Implement the content

MAT 599 CONTENT based on needs assessment. n Summer ’07, 3 credits, graded course n Summer Institute –Number sense –Algebra –Measurement –Integrated approach to content n Fall follow-up days –Discrete math, probability, and data analysis

ECI 593 Fall ’07, 2 credits, pass/fail n Use Curriculum Topic Study (CTS) in support of mathematics instruction. n Apply CTS during academic year follow-up meetings and observed lessons. n Integrate RTOP and NCTM instructional strategies. n Model research-based instructional strategies. n Use research-based curriculum materials. n Implement investigative mathematics.

Pedagogical Orientation n Incorporates inquiry-based instruction – representation, manipulation, validation n Involves 4 steps – launch, explore, share, summarize n Integrates opportunities for participants to communicate their mathematical thinking orally and in writing n Integrates opportunities for participants to make conjectures, explain their ideas, question solutions, and reflect on their learning n Assessment through reflective journaling, lesson- oriented assessments, formative assessment probes, artifact analysis, final exam

Pedagogical Orientation (cont.) n Uncovers assumptions and misconceptions n Encourages and accepts multiple approaches to, and representations of, a problem n Collaborative approach to learning n Integrates learning back into grade-level and school-level curriculum n Evaluates curriculum materials and resources for representing particular ideas and concepts

Mathematical Inquiry “Mathematics can be characterized as a cycle of investigation that is intended to lead to the development of valid mathematical ideas…It is essential to keep in mind that mathematical discovery is no more the result of some rigid set of steps than is discovery in science.” Benchmarks for Science Literacy

Transparency n It is our intent to make explicit connections between the topics and lessons presented and the AZ math standards. n We also intend to be led by and name the “big ideas,” identifying expected adult content knowledge for each topic.

Schedule/Logistics n Parking n 8:30-4:00 M – F; lunch 11:30-12:30 n Warm-up activities each day n Stipend payment n Snack schedule n Need to schedule fall professional days n Questions?

Group Norms I really like it when you….. n Give each other credit n Turn off cell phones n Speak one at a time n Do not discount yourself or your ideas n Are on time n Show respect for one another n Give your full attention n Do what you say you will do n Additions?? Attention grabber????

To Ponder How long would it take dump trucks to cart away an isolated mountain, say Japan’s 12,000-foot Mount Fuji, to ground level? Assume dump trucks come every fifteen minutes, twenty-four hours a day, are instantaneously filled with mountain dirt and rock, and leave without getting in each other’s way.