Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 Not nearly enough, fast enough
Transportation 36 Billion gallons of biofuels by the year 2022 not a bad goal and possible to achieve. Current production of biofuels is around 7 million gallons per year 15.2 (grain ethanol cap) billion gallons by 2011 is intermediate goal But note, that by 2017 this will only replace 15% of our fuel usage Average Fuel Economy to be 35 mpg by 2020 this is way lame this lowers US crude oil usage by 8% - BFD!
Buildings/Appliances Phase out incands by 2020 say what? why not do that right now! 80,000 MW of electricity per year is wasted because of this, 80,000 !!!! Reduce overall carbon footprint of buildings/homes by 75% by increasing energy efficiency some physics problems here Clothes washers will reduce water usage by 40% per cycle individuals will just use more cycles!
Your Government Does not understand rates of change very well. Giving incentives for individuals to use less energy would be a far more effective way to conserve.