Information policy and transparency of third cycle programmes at University of Bergen, Norway Seventh Meeting of UNICA Bologna Lab Coordinators University of Zagreb December 2007 PhD-coordinator Gry Kibsgaard
Information policy and transparency Setting the scene - third cycle from Bologna to Banff UNICA third cycle- a website journey of the european capital scene Acting on the third cycle scene - from Bologna to Bergen
Setting the transparency scene – Bologna to Banff Bologna process and third cycle: –Achieving Europe´s research goals through high quality doctoral programmes –Third cycle part of continuum (1st and 2nd cycle) into research –Doctoral programmes main link between the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) with European Research Area (ERA) London communiqué, May 2007: focus on –joint degrees –mobility –transparency (access, assessment, supervision) –closer alignment of the EHEA and ERA
Setting the transparency scene – Bologna to Banff Banff, Council of Graduate Schools; Global Higher Education leaders Agree to Graduate Education Principles (june 2007): –Review and understand the global flow of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows (early stage researchers) –Clarify and strengthen the role of masters degree (success in masters a prerequisite for success in PhD-programs) European University Networks: –EUA: third cycle important link between EHEA and ERA –COIMBRA group:Doctoral level special: research training and can thus not be seen as another study-level –LERU (League of European Research Universities) May 2007:Doctoral training must remain clearly distinct from the 1 and 2 cycle of higher educ in Bologna process
Information policy and transparency Transparency. Only possible with a clear strategy, rules, regulations and plans for doctoral training, and the fact that it is being conveyed information about these documents; strategy, rules, regulations and plans Information about what? –Which model of doctoral training do you have? –Which research areas do you have, your strenghts, cooperation w/industry (future career moves for prospective PhD-students) Transparency of what? –London communiqué: admission assessment supervision –Transparency and qualification frameworks
Doctoral training – the times they are a changing Undergraduate studies Bachelor and master studies Research Doctoral training (unstructured) One-to-one training
Doctoral training – the times they are a changing Undergraduate studies Bachelor and master studies Research Research and doctoral training Doctoral training Structured programs One-to-many training Training in research teams, supervisory boards Graduate schools/research schools EHEA ERA
Doctoral training – the times they are a changing Undergraduate studiesDoctoral programmesResearch Bachelor and master studiesDoctoral trainingResearch Research schools/graduate schools EHEA and ERA
Information strategy – important areas to think of Communicate doctoral training as research? Communicate doctoral training as education? Coomunicate doctoral training as both research and education? Your answer to this question will give you a major guideline for which information strategy you will choose for the third cycle programmes..
Transparency – important areas to think of Admission: Are admission criteria and process communicated clearly? Assessment: Which are the selection criteria and processes? Are they communicated clearly and openly? Supervision: Are supervisors rights and duties communicated clearly in a doctoral contract or similar? Mobility: Possibilities of mobility in doctoral training, are rules, opportunities clearly communicated? What about international candidates and possibilities for shorter stays at research institutions, clearly communicated? Potential career possibilities: post doctoral opportunities: academia and industry,public adm etc..
A web site journey of Universities in european capitals Playing the devils advocate – or simply a prospective PhD-student
What did I go looking for? (Transparency of own critical criteria) 1.Accessible information on websites: minimum criteria of accessability: ENGLISH!!! 2.Research opportunities (Info about PhD linked to research) 1.After all I am a prospective early stage researcher, thus looking for interesting research possibilities 3.Who are the researchers, the research team (who will I be working with?) 4.How is the doctoral training; programs, courses, mobility, funding? 5.How can I apply? 6.What are the admission criteria? 7.Apply for funding 8.Career opportunities after PhD 9.What about the University in general? 10.The city? Good place to be?
What did I find? Which info are you offering prospective PhD-students? 41 websites (UNICAmembers) –15 sites little or no info in english –Most websites organizational info: faculties and departments –Majority of websites: contact person info for PhD: a reminiscence of PhD still being a one-to-one business? –PhD-program info lacking –5 websites strong on research opportunities and adm PhD info and social dimension of PhD-student info
Research over 50% of total research output of the country!! INTERESTING!! Important part of menu: Souvenir shop! Research: not on web site menu!
Some universities only have contact info, but no substantial info about programs in relation to research groups or activities!! PhD= 1-1 business?
Transparency in information about selection processes, but is the selection process transparent? Selection process of faculty supervisor – information about possibilities needed! Matching info!
Structure and organization oriented information! Why not thematic? What is the university profile? Faculties?
A good UNICA-case: Both info on content of PhD-programs and how to enter program! Lack info on selection procedures!
One of best UNICA case:Links PhD- programs directly to research, research clusters, centres of excellence. Both info on content of PhD-programs and how to enter program! Lack info on selection procedures!
Best practice of web sites UNICA-members: central info graduate studies prospective students; national and international admission procedures link between graduate studies and research info research info in abundance!!!
Going home… Acting on the third cycle scene - from Bologna to Bergen University of Bergen: Not a capital University We denominate ourselves an international research university We live up to it through research and education, but do we inform about it well enough, are we clear enough about our strategy and transparent enough on our website?
General info on PhD weak Only 50% of faculties english web pages Faculty info strong on adm PhD- info Faculty info on research varies Research in general good info Transparency? Partly: on system strong, on realities weak Selection processes not transparent enough?
PhD - UoB: An organisational chart UoB: PhD-regulation (2003) Fac of Law Fac of Soc Fac of Psych Fac of NatSci Fac of Med Fac of Dent Fac of Hum Research school Research groups/ research cooperation
NOW: Focus on administrative and scientific units! Do the prospective PhD- student think organization or University structure when they look for future carreer opportunities? We think not: FUTURE: Think THEMATICALLY: Focus on strategic research areas and PhD opportunities!
Marine research Research projectPublications Research projectResearch school PhD- opportunities Research projectMasterprogram InfrastructureBachelor program
What do we want? The best brains Excellent research and doctoral training A strong link between research and education Effective and qualitatively strong recruitment procedures A stronger competition for research fellowships in certain fields Action plan for doctoral training 2008
And how will we get it? Strengthen link between masterprogrammes and research Strenghten link between masterprogrammes and doctoral training Information strategy which is based on thematic focus with strong research areas as focus (mapping structure of website) Research collaboration important indicator for successfull recruitment of candidates in general Strong international recruitment: strengthening of international networks and good english websites!! International recruitment through open announcements of –Research fellowships: open competition, regardless of –NORAD/Quota scholarship scheme, applicants from a developing country or a country in Central and Eastern Europe or Central Asia. Priority is given to candidates from our collaboration institutions. developing country or a country in Central and Eastern Europe or Central Asia
Last memo: London communiqué, LERU and Coimbra group: –avoid overregulation of doctoral programs! Avoid overregulation, but seek abundance in information and transparency in doctoral training!!
Thank you for your attention!! Gry Kibsgaard, research adviser/ PhD administrative coordinator Department of Research Management University of Bergen Norway