Computer Viruses
History Malicious software – 1970’s Programs distributed over exchange servers speeds spread of viruses Brain sparks term: Virus
Historical Viruses Brain VirDem Lehigh Chameleon – Polymorphic DAME VCL
More History CDs make removal difficult Macro viruses Remote control becomes prevalent Spread via Downloading and file sharing
Virus Types and Descriptors Resident Direct Action Overwrite Boot Sector Macro Directory Encrypted
More Viruses Polymorphic Multipartite File Infector Companion FAT XSSV Sentinel
Even More Viruses Stealth Armored Sparse Infector Fast and Slow Infector Worms Trojan Horses Logic Bombs Hoaxes
Anti-Virus Searches for known viruses Requirements –Bit-level work –Good error handling –Fast, dynamic life cycle Also identifies suspicious behavior Scans incoming and outgoing behavior
Prevention and Aid Techniques –Deletion –Quarantine –Repair Polymorphic viruses make detection via dictionary difficult Suspicious behavior’s advantages Sandboxes and Blueprints
Other Methods Education filtering User knowledge
Spyware Definition Symptoms Methods of infection Results –Phone home –Remote access Zombie attacks
Spyware Rootkit –Sony Prevention –Anti-spyware programs Not always the most effective –Safe internet practices
Survey We surveyed 40 people on the Pace University Campus We asked questions related to demographic information and regarding virus preparedness
Male vs. Female
Conclusion Viruses and Spyware pose an increasing threat Prevention methods do not include software alone Many methods which are common knowledge to those familiar with computers are not common practice