Team 1 HKUL 9th Leadership Institute
Members of Group 1 Ana Grace ALFILER-MACALALAD CHENG Li-min Connie LAM Milly LAU MA Jianxia Eunice WONG Yusrina Abu Bakar
Learning Commons An area that is designed to be flexible and adaptable to cater for the learning needs as well as learning styles of the university community, providing access to information resources and services in a casual ambiance while still being conducive for either individual and group work.
Proposal for Learning Commons in Bayview University Library, Southern California 1. Physical Characteristics 2. Space Allocation 3. Furniture 4. Equipment 5. Collections 6. Services to be offered 7. Intended Collaboration Effort
Physical Characteristics Flexible & adaptable Variety of study spaces to suit different learning needs and style Individual study rooms Technology rich environment to foster e- learning Repurpose spaces to create suitable venue for different learning activities.
Space Allocation Quiet Study Zone Individual study carrels Individual study rooms Discussion Zone Group Study Areas Discussion Room Recreational Zone Multi functional Zone
Space Allocation Others Training Rooms Meeting Rooms Instruction Rooms Consultation Rooms Exhibition Areas Service Counters
Flexible, modular furniture Various Service Counters Lockers Massage Chairs Furniture
Equipment IT equipment High speed WiFi Connection - Internet connection, routers All kinds of application software – networked and standalone Tablet/iPad Projectors Video conference facilities Computers / Laptops All-in-one networked copier, printer, scanner and fax machine
Equipment Multi media equipment LCD /Plasma monitor Microphone Headsets Projector screens
Equipment Other equipment/services Laptops for loan Binding facilities Electronic outlets Charging stations for Laptops, cell phones, etc. Refreshment and vending machines Smart board + traditional white board
Collection Paintings Some basic print reference materials – Dictionaries Newspapers/magazines/books for leisure reading
Services to be offered Library services focus on providing discover tools for and access to e-resources /services IT help desk – hardware and software troubleshoot, IC skills workshop Research skills and presentation skill advisory Career/students counseling Languages help desk Academic advising Booking system – discussion room, equipment, space usage
Intended Partners Career center Student affairs office Language center Computer service center Center for enhanced learning and teaching Other potential departments/faculties
Collaboration incentives Use user survey and focus group to get data to support the ideas of integrated learning activities at the learning commons Library provides the venue, take care of promotion/coordination Help showcase other participating units’ services and expertise Facilitate resources sharing
Services Charge or No Charge – that is the question Printing/copying services Binding services Refreshment
Will the Library be replaced? That's even a bigger question! NO!!