Sampling and Connection Strategies for PRM Planners Jean-Claude Latombe Computer Science Department Stanford University Abridged and Modified Version (D.H.) see JCL’s website for the full version
The (New) Issues Where to sample new milestones? Sampling strategy Which milestones to connect? Connection strategy
Examples Two-stage sampling: 1)Build initial roadmap with uniform sampling 2)Perform additional sampling around poorly connected milestones Coarse Connection: 1)Maintain roadmap’s connected components 2)Attempt connection between 2 milestones only if they are in two distinct components
Multi-Query PRM
Single-Query PRM mbmbmbmb mgmgmgmg
Multi-Query PRM Multi-stage sampling Obstacle-sensitive sampling Narrow-passage sampling
Multi-Stage Strategies Rationale: One can use intermediate sampling results to identify regions of the free space whose connectivity is more difficult to capture
Two-Stage Sampling [Kavraki, 94]
Two-Stage Sampling [Kavraki, 94]
Obstacle-Sensitive Strategies Rationale: The connectivity of free space is more difficult to capture near its boundary than in wide-open area
Obstacle-Sensitive Strategies Ray casting from samples in obstacles Gaussian sampling [Boor, Overmars, van der Stappen, 99] [Amato, Overmars]
Multi-Query PRM Multi-stage sampling Obstacle-sensitive sampling Narrow-passage sampling
Narrow-Passage Strategies Rationale: Finding the connectivity of the free space through narrow passage is the only hard problem.
Narrow-Passage Strategies Medial-Axis Bias Dilatation/contraction of the free space Bridge test [Hsu et al, 02] [Amato, Kavraki] [Baginski, 96; Hsu et al, 98]
Bridge Test
Comparison with Gaussian Strategy Gaussian Bridge test
Single-Query PRM mbmbmbmb mgmgmgmg
Diffusion Strategies Rationale: The trees of milestones should diffuse throughout the free space to guarantee that the planner will find a path with high probability, if one exists
Diffusion Strategies Density-based strategy Associate a sampling density to each milestone in the trees Pick a milestone m at random with probability inverse to density Expand from m RRT strategy Pick a configuration q uniformly at random in c-space Select the milestone m the closest from q Expand from m [LaValle and Kuffner, 00] [Hsu et al, 97]
Adaptive-Step Strategies Rationale: Makes big steps in wide-open area of the free space, and smaller steps in cluttered areas.
Adaptive-Step Strategies mbmbmbmb mgmgmgmg [Sanchez-Ante, 02] Shrinking-window strategy
Single-Query PRM mbmbmbmb mgmgmgmg
Coarse Connections Rationale: Since connections are expensive to test, pick only those which have a good chance to test collision-free and to contribute to the roadmap connectivity.
Coarse Connnections Methods: 1.Connect only pairs of milestones that are not too far apart 2.Connect each milestone to at most k other milestones 3.Connect two milestones only if they are in two distinct components of the current roadmap ( the roadmap is a collection of acyclic graph) 4.Visibility-based roadmap: Keep a new milestone m if: a) m cannot be connected to any previous milestone and b) m can be connected to 2 previous milestones belonging to distinct components of the roadmap [Laumond and Simeon, 01]