CitywallCitygate St James Boulevard Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 4JH Tel: +44 (191) By Road There is a pay and display parking facility to the front of the Citygate Building. Charges 80p/hour. From North and South take the A184 (signposted Gateshead/Newcastle) exit from the A1 Take the right lane (for Newcastle), which leads over the Redheugh Bridge. Keep in the right lane until Milburn Junction (brown sign “Blackfriars /West Walls”) which is the 5 th set of traffic lights. Citygate is the white building to the right as you approach the traffic lights. Turn right onto Bath Lane and then immediately left to the front of Citygate Building. Citywall Building is to the South of the main Citygate building and the entrance to Citywall is opposite the Tyneside Irish Centre on St Andrew’s street. From West Follow the A69 into Newcastle; cross the A1 roundabout and follow the A189 (West Road) signed City (West). After approx 2 miles you will see the Newcastle General Hospital on your left; continue straight ahead at the traffic lights. Continue straight on down Westgate Road, past various small shops. Turn left at the traffic lights, signposted City Centre, Ashington A189. Move into the right lane as you approach Milburn Junction. Citygate is the large white building to the right as you approach the traffic lights. Turn right and then immediately left in front of the building. Citywall building is to the South of the main Citygate building and the entrance to Citywall is opposite the Tyneside Irish Centre on St Andrew’s street.
From East Follow A1058 (Coast Road) into Newcastle and follow signs to the City Centre, through Jesmond/Cradlewell. Continue over 2 small roundabouts and then bear right. Follow signs for A177(M), A696 and A1 (M) to Jedburgh/Morpeth. Drive in the left lane and then filter across to the left side of the road. Exit on the first slip road on the left, signposted for City Centre (North). This leads you onto the Haymarket (Civic Centre to the left) Go straight ahead at the next 2 sets of traffic lights, along Percy Street (Haymarket Bus Station will be on the left). Turn right at first roundabout (TopShop is on the left hand corner). Turn left at next roundabout (Citygate is the large white building to the left). Turn left at the traffic lights and then immediately left which will lead to the front of the building. Continue to head towards St James metro station, and our entrance faces onto the Newcastle Citywall. By rail Newcastle Central Station, tel (0191) Citywall, Citygate, St James Boulevard, is only a short ½ mile walk from the Central Station. On foot from rail station Option 1 Turn left as you walk out of the station onto Neville Street and head towards the Centre for Life building which you will see on the left. Walk past the Centre for Life, across one set of traffic lights and at the next set of lights, almost immediately afterwards, turn right onto St James Boulevard. At the top of St James Boulevard you will see the football stadium to the left, Citywall, is the white building to the right. Turn right at the traffic lights, just before the building and then right again to walk around the back of the building. Entrance to Citywall building is directly opposite the Newcastle City wall. Option 2 Leave Central Station by main entrance, cross over Neville Street to the Bakers Oven on the other side. On the left hand side of the Bakers Oven is Pink Lane (pedestrian only street). Walk up Pink Lane until Pink Lane crosses Clayton Street, Cross over Clayton Street and continue on Pink Lane. Pink Lane joins Westgate Road, cross over Westgate Road. Bath Lane (a pedestrian street) joins Westgate Road from the right (at this point you will also see the start of the old Citywalls on your right). The path along the city walls reaches a moat and bears to the right. Continue to follow the path, which runs between the moat and the walls until you come to a small wooden bridge over the moat. Cross the bridge and you are now standing in a car park in front of the two white buildings. Citywalll entrance is at the end of the building on the right. By Metro System The metro system links up to the Central Station and Newcastle International Airport. Both Central Station and Monument Metro stations are within walking distance of the offices; however St James station is situated directly opposite the Citygate complex.