Tech Update 1. QR Codes 2. Tech Tuesday/Thursday Spring Schedule 3. Social Networking & School Ethics By Stony Evans & Rachel Shankles Jan. 3, 2012
QR Codes: Short Version of the Tech Tues Class Quick Response Code
Definition A QR Code is a two-dimensional bar code or matrix created by a Japanese corporation in The "QR" is stands for "Quick Response", as the creator intended the code to allow its contents to be decoded at high code
A giant QR Code on a billboard linking to a website, to be read with a mobile phone in Tokyo, Japan
QR Code Reader Apps QRset AT&T Code Scanner Quickscan NeoReader
QR Code Generators
Education How can we use QR Codes in education? – Homework Assignments – include on class notes – In library, tag shelves next to new books and scan for book trailers or author info – Club Announcements – Tag lessons with links for more information – Wall outside classrooms with teacher’s blog – Label science equipment to show videos on proper use – Scavenger hunts
Spring Tech Tuesday/Thursdays New!Edmodo New!Digital Storytelling with the ipad New! Pinnacle Tricks and traps New!TeacherWeb Uploading Docs New!File Management New!Recording and posting lessons online
Social Networking & School Ethics Be aware of State & LS rules Use school accounts and clear it with the principal how you plan to use FB or Twitter for class use—perhaps use Edmodo instead It is suggested by ADE memo that your private FB accts should not friend current students Missouri passed new law then revoked it saying teachers could not friend former or current students