Introduction to Searching Databases
UW Libraries Catalog Use to locate items in the library system Books Journal subscriptions Other material Some microfilm Government publications Some newspaper subscriptions Some web pages
Known item searching Two major ways of searching Author (author of books only; not authors of articles or chapters in books) Last name first name Title (title of books and journals; not titles of journal articles) Omit initial articles (The, A, etc.)
Searching by topic Keywords – broadest type of search; searches across multiple fields of a record (author, title, notes, subjects) Subjects – must use the authorized subject heading Use the printed list of subject headings Use an initial keywords search to identify pertinent subject headings
Database Speak
Database searching generalities Literal If you type in a phrase it will search for the phrase Boolean operators/connectors AND - narrows OR - broadens Truncation/wildcard Allows you to easily search for variant word endings * in the UW Libraries Catalog
Boolean: AND tall AND dark AND handsome
Boolean: OR tall OR dark OR handsome
Dark 5 ft. 3 inches
Truncation/wildcard Searches for variant word endings such as plural. slave* finds: slavery slaves slave In other words the truncation symbol acts as an OR slave OR slaves OR slavery
Search statements Query typed into a database: Keywords/key phrases/key concepts linked by Boolean connectors (women OR female) AND slave* (women OR female) AND slave* AND (virginia or carolina)