Channel flow benchmarks DNS datasets to validate Code_Saturne Effect of complex grids hexa, non-conform, tetra Low Reynolds number tests Ret = 100 no turbulence model Ret = 395 tests subgrid scale model tests Towards high Reynolds numbers subgrid scale models at high Reynolds numbers
Channel flow benchmarks: « classic » DNS DNS Ret = 180 Box 4 x 2 x 2, Grid 192 x 128 x 160 (4M cells) Same grid as Mansour, Kim & Moin Results include velocity, shear and normal stresses (<u>, <u’v’> etc… ) Triple correlations (<v’u’u’> etc…) Terms in turbulent kinetic energy budget Terms in the components of each budget
Channel flow benchmarks: DNS Ret =180 • Grid adapted for a spectral code • but applied to a non spectral code
Channel flow benchmarks: DNS Ret =180 • Grid adapted for a spectral code • but applied to a non spectral code
Channel flow benchmarks: DNS Ret =180 • Grid adapted for a spectral code • but applied to a non spectral code
Channel flow benchmarks: DNS Ret =180
Channel flow benchmarks: DNS Ret =180
Channel flow benchmarks: DNS Ret =180
Channel flow benchmarks: Code_Saturne test grids Hexahedral Non-conform (hexa) Box 2 x 2 x 440,000 elements Tetrahedral
Channel flow benchmarks: Ret = 100 DNS 880k cells for same box size tests 440k cells Tetra poorly resolved difference in grid on each wall Hexa too coarse at wall
Channel flow benchmarks: Ret = 100 turbulence kinetic energy weaknesses of each case become more clear
Channel flow benchmarks: Ret = 395 • velocity
Channel flow benchmarks: Ret = 395 • shear stress
Channel flow benchmarks: Ret = 395 • normal stresses
Channel flow benchmarks: Ret = 395 • tke
Channel flow benchmarks: high Reynolds numbers Box 6 x 2 x2, Grid 11 x 11 x 11 (1.3k cells)
Detail of the tubes that make up a bundle inside a SFR reactor Thermal radiation · Ensure the tubes don’t touch, Ensure that sodium cannot get trapped (particularly important with respect to the neutronic reactions), · Reduce vibrations within the tube bundle, Improve the mixing near the heater and increase the rate of heat exchange.
First attempts to simulate the fluid A z=100mm A z=140mm