HRM A – G. Grote ETHZ, WS 06/07 HRM A: Work process design Overview
HRM A – G. Grote ETHZ, WS 06/07 Extrinsic versus intrinsic motivation The less intrinsic motivation … The less extrinsic motivation … … the more intrinsic motivation is needed … the more extrinsic motivation is needed
HRM A – G. Grote ETHZ, WS 06/07 Individual differences in motivation Different needs: Motivation = f (satisfaction / frustration of needs) __________________________________________________ e.g.Physiological needs Security needs Affiliation and affection needs Appreciation needs Self-actualization needs Different goals and expectations: Motivation = Valence x Instrumentality x Expectancy __________________________________________________ Decision to (not) undertake a certain action depends on the answers to three questions: Which goal do I want to achieve? Does this action lead to this goal? How likely is the success of the action?
HRM A – G. Grote ETHZ, WS 06/07 How satisfied are you with your job?
HRM A – G. Grote ETHZ, WS 06/07 Development of job (dis)satisfaction (Bruggemann, 1974) Needs and expectations at work Characteristics of the work situation (Mis-)match SatisfactionDissatisfaction Keeping expectations Problem solving Constructive dissatisfaction Raising expectations Progressive satisfaction Stable satisfaction Keeping expectations Lowering expectations Resigned satisfaction Fixed dissatisfaction
HRM A – G. Grote ETHZ, WS 06/07
Discussion in small groups What is “good performance” in your studies/your job/voluntary work? How is it measured? How satisfied are you with how it is measured?
HRM A – G. Grote ETHZ, WS 06/07 "Good" performance indicators Adequate for task Sufficient influence -> Based on behavior and results, not personal traits Reliability, validity, objectivity Constructive feedback Participatory development Fit with organizational culture
HRM A – G. Grote ETHZ, WS 06/07 Motivation, satisfaction and performance – an imperfect relationship Performance MotivationSatisfaction ? r =.3 Performance-reward relationship congruence of formal/informal performance criteria Feedback Performance criteria adequate for task Difference between expectation and reality Individual coping with unfulfilled expectations Fit between individual and organizational goals Instrumentalities for individual goals