SOAL Matakuliah: G0904, English for Specific purposes Tahun: 2006
17. Course Design I.1. Quiz 2. From references in URL, make a summary of the Approaches of Course Design. 3. Find an activity in class for a topic in ESP for Travel Agents : “taking telephone booking for flights”.
18. II.1. In groups : present each parameter ( based on Dudley ) to the class. 2. Find out the advantages and disadvantages of each parameter. 3. Find an example of parameter from URL to develop a course design.
19. III.1. Discuss : What you think of “Teacher as provider of input & activities” compared to “as facilitator / consultant”. 2. Read the example of Case Study. Summarize it. 3. Find a supporting data from URL to be compared with what was shown in the case study.