Work Package 4.1: End-user Components Months 6-25 D4.1.1Design of the End-user components (Month 13) D4.1.2Prototype of the End-user components (Month 20) D4.1.3Report on implementation of the End-user components (Month 25)
Objectives Create a reference implementation of the software components on end-user terminal Identify the functional components required Identify components from the previous Simplicity project that can be reused Identify end-user components required to support security and privacy Design ‘Interaction applets’ supporting customized end-user interactions with services Implement prototype versions
Components will... Be based on the requirements from WP 2 and the high level architecture spec from WP 3 & offer... Provide authentication, user input, ambient combination, interaction dialogues Model the current location, task and context Interact with the platform to discover and select services Create a portable runtime for creation of task oriented ‘interaction applets’ Offer task oriented ‘clipboard’ allowing information to persist facilitating the creation of composite services by the end-user
Discussion Topics From WP3/ Athens we note the following important topics: “8 second rule” - fast access to relevant services (discovery, approx. matching, ranking results) Where is the data? (persistence, identity, references, sessions, user id, context) Bandwidth and latency efficient interaction (long sessions) Task and context selection and modelling Usability (link to WP4.4), UI and interaction design Multi-modality (delegation, floor control, multi- participants)