S.A. Torchinsky1 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 En route to the Square Kilometre Array Steve Torchinsky Nançay Radioastronomy Facility (Obs de Paris) SKADS Project Scientist
S.A. Torchinsky2 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Square Kilometre Array Science goals Technical overview Worldwide efforts in SKA Technological development in Europe Time line Future development
S.A. Torchinsky3 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 SKA Key Science ? Tests of gravity Epoch of Reionisation Cosmic Magnetism Cradle of Life Large Scale Structure Transient Universe The Unknown
S.A. Torchinsky4 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Strong Field Tests of Gravity Binary orbit permits determination of masses Relativistic effects permit (re) determination of masses. ALL MUST AGREE
S.A. Torchinsky5 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Strong Field Tests of Gravity Large surveys will find exotic binarys –~ pulsars in the galaxy –Nearly edge-on Pulsar – Black-hole binary (at least one) Probe eg. Frame dragging, cosmic censorship, no hair theorem Pulsar timing array –Gravitational wave background
S.A. Torchinsky6 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Probing the Dark Ages When did the first luminous objects form? How did they form and over what period of time? SKA will detect the Epoch of Reionisation and map the evolution history of the first luminous objects Di Matteo et al
S.A. Torchinsky7 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Cosmic Magnetism Faraday rotation of > 10 7 polarised background sources Origin of magnetic fields –Dynamo? –Primordial? NGC 891 (Krause) M 51 VLA+Eff 6cm (Fletcher & Beck)
S.A. Torchinsky8 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Large Scale Structure Billions of galaxies!
S.A. Torchinsky9 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations Improve signal confidence by measuring wiggles in separate redshift bins A catalog of a billion galaxies Position and redshift measured simultaneously There are fluctuations at all scales but there is a preferred scale of around 1 deg.
S.A. Torchinsky10 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept % Complementarity with Planck
S.A. Torchinsky11 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 G. Bryden / NASA Cradle of Life Protoplanetary disks resolved to Earth-like orbits Organic molecules –methanol (834 MHz) –acetaldehyde (1.1 GHz) –acetamide (9.2 GHz) –cyclopropenone (9.3 GHz) –propenal (26 GHz) Extrasolar planets
S.A. Torchinsky12 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Project Phoenix Allen Telescope Array SKA Jill Tarter SETI at leakage levels from nearby stars eg: planetary radar Interplanetary communication Interstellar communication Indicators of Extra Terrestrial Intelligence
S.A. Torchinsky13 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Transient signal
S.A. Torchinsky14 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Transients
S.A. Torchinsky15 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Transient signal
S.A. Torchinsky16 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Transients Pulsar is a special case of transient phenomena (periodic) Giant pulses Supernova Bursters ETI requires: fast time constant memory buffer for post analysis wide instantaneous, fully-sampled FoV
S.A. Torchinsky17 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 The Unknown New discoveries always result from observations in new parameter space –sensitivity –spatial resolution –spectral resolution –polarisation –time domain –observing speed (multibeaming) eg. CMB, pulsars, extra solar planets,… SKA improves all of these SKA is designed for the Key Projects but with an overriding design philosophy of flexibility to maximise the likelihood of new discoveries
S.A. Torchinsky18 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 SKA Science Book
S.A. Torchinsky19 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Cosmology, Galaxy Formation and Astroparticle Physics on the Pathway to the SKA Hans-Rainer Klöckner, Steve Rawlings, Matt Jarvis, Angela Taylor (eds.) Cosmology, Galaxy Formation and Astroparticle Physics on the Pathway to the SKA Available online: (click “memos” or “documents”)
S.A. Torchinsky20 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Possible SKA Configuration Station Core ~5km dia Central Processing Facility Comms links Not to scale! 180km Dishes spread along spiral Dishes AA-hi AA-lo
S.A. Torchinsky21 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 ~5km inner cores sparse aperture arrays (eg. LOFAR) dense aperture arrays (eg. EMBRACE) parabolic dishes Outer core ~5km of stations Arms > 5km of stations dishes spread out along spiral arms maximum baseline of ~3000km Three Technologies
S.A. Torchinsky22 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 candidate site: South Africa Karoo radio quiet zone
S.A. Torchinsky23 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Candidate site: Australia Mileura Radio Quiet Zone
S.A. Torchinsky24 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Worldwide SKA efforts Europe –LOFAR –Square Kilometre Array Design Studies 4 year study, 38MEuro (11MEuro from EU Framework Programme 6) EMBRACE demonstrator at Westerbork and Nançay –PrepSKA EU FP7 5.5MEuro, Central Design Integration Team in Manchester –SKA on ESFRI Roadmap Australia & Canada –AU$56M announced in 2007 Australian budget –ASKAP demonstrator South Africa –Karoo Array Telescope and MeerKAT –Over US$200M confirmed by SA gov’t for construction, infrastructure, including high capacity network to Karoo region. USA –Allen Telescope Array –Technology Demonstrator Programme
S.A. Torchinsky25 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept
S.A. Torchinsky26 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 ASTRONET Infrastructure Roadmap
S.A. Torchinsky27 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Review Hi-freq SKA Design 06 |08 |10 |12 |14 |16 |18 |20 |22 |24 | System Design SKA mid + low construction and commissioning SKA-hi Construction Sites short-listed EC-FP7: PrepSKA System design Funding Governance Site Selection Preliminary SKA specs External Engineering Review of design Reference Design selected Pathfinder Suite Construction Early Science SKA mid+low SKA-mid+lowComplete SKA Pathfinders Complete System design SKA-hi Costed SKA low+mid designs complete Pathfinder science Phase 1 complete Concept Des’n Site Select Production Readiness Review SKA-mid+low Concept design for SKA-hi Phase 1 construction and commissioning SKA timeline FP7: PrepSKA [Path2SKA] [AAVS] FP6: SKADS
S.A. Torchinsky28 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 SKA in Europe Square Kilometre Array Design Studies –1 July 2005 to 30 June 2009 –26 institutes in 13 countries –38MEuro (including matching funds and EU funds) –Detailed design and costing, including science simulations, signal transport, processing requirements, construction costs,… – –Marie-Curie Conferences and Training
S.A. Torchinsky29 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept st MCCT School Medicina Sept 2007 Wide field imaging and calibration Groningen 2-7 March Synergies with the SKA Bonn April 2008 Deep Field Imaging with SKA Cambridge Aug Radioastronomy and the New Instruments Siguenza 27 Aug – 4 Sept Multifield and multibeam science with SKA Oxford March 2009 Training the next generation
S.A. Torchinsky30 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 EMBRACE Electronic MultiBeam Radio Astronomy ConcEpt Aperture-Plane phased-array 500MHz – 1500MHz Linear polarisation 96m 2 at Westerbork 64m 2 at Nançay
S.A. Torchinsky31 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 EMBRACE Tile
S.A. Torchinsky32 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Nançay Beamformer Chip
S.A. Torchinsky33 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 EMBRACE observations of the Sun
S.A. Torchinsky34 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Simulations for the SKA image by D. Obreschkow
S.A. Torchinsky35 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Simulations for the SKA Effort in SKADS: Catalog of continuum sources (250 Million sources) Epoch of Reionisation (tomography from z≈15 to z≈6) The Cosmic Web Pulsars See SKADS Simulated Skies website – See Proceedings of the Pushchino Meeting – –And others listed there, available on astro-ph
S.A. Torchinsky36 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 SKADS Science and Technology The Universe Our understanding of the Universe Sky Simulation (DS2T1) Convolution with the telescope (DS2T2) Network simulator (DS3T3) Technology development (DS4) Technology demonstrators (DS5 & DS6) observations brain power Catalogs, images, EM fields voltages measurements and simulated performance Request spec change BENCHMARK Backend data Data imaging (DS2T2) Simulated telescope image Data analysis (DS2) science goals achievable?
S.A. Torchinsky37 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 SKADS Science and Technology The Universe Our understanding of the Universe Sky Simulation (DS2T1) Convolution with the telescope (DS2T2) Network simulator (DS3T3) Technology development (DS4) Technology demonstrators (DS5 & DS6) observations brain power voltages measurements and simulated performance Backend data Data imaging (DS2T2) Simulated telescope image Request spec change BENCHMARK Catalogs, images, EM fields Data analysis (DS2) science goals achievable? Consider trade-offs NO: not technologically feasible NO: too expensive YES: We can do better than that ! SKADS Design & Costing
S.A. Torchinsky38 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 SKA Design and Costing SKADS final deliverable “Designed and Costed SKA” First memo: detailed design – –SKA Memo #93 –~1.5BEuro Development of costing tool: SKACost –Designed and costed components and subsystems –Data base for costing different SKA implementations –SKADS in collaboration with International SKA Program Office
S.A. Torchinsky39 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 SKADS Science Simulations ? In the context of technological constraints
S.A. Torchinsky40 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 SKADS after 2009 EU-FP6 project SKADS ends 30 June, 2009 Overlap with PrepSKA (EU FP7) –European led –Starts 1 April, 2008 –Worldwide participation: EU, Australia, South Africa, Canada, USA, China –International SKA Program Development Office in Manchester –Governance –Technology development Path2SKA (EU FP7 Marie-Curie) –Sky simulations to telescope simulations for virtual observations –Led by Steve Rawlings, Oxford Aperture-Array Verification System (under discussion) –Larger than EMBRACE –Dual polarisation (perhaps all-digital) –In southern Europe (Spain or Portugal)
S.A. Torchinsky41 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Aperture Array Verification System ~few hundred m 2, national funds, in southern Europe
S.A. Torchinsky42 En Route to SKA Astrophysics with E-LOFAR, Hamburg Sept 2008 Contact Steve Torchinsky SKADS Project Scientist USN, Observatoire de Paris Phone: Web: