Science College Update
MSD Science club 16 week programme Staff from MSD bring equipment and run the experiments with the students Aimed at year 9 of all abilities Well attended – at least 33 students each week Making slime, bouncing custard balls, growing crystal gardens, flame tests and Fireworks.
The Flat Screen TV Network. CCHS have recently installed 6 plasma screen televisions These are situated at locations that get the most attention – foyer, dinner halls, sixth form centre etc Science will be using these to champion science and could be used to promote sponsor activities and good news from partner schools
The Big Screen TV Network. One use of the screens in the Hall will be to remind students of the key learning points prior to an examination. This gets the thumbs up at LEA level and will be put into action prior to the SAT exams.
Physics CD-Rom The school has recently been awarded £70,000 from the Gatsby Foundation to develop an interactive CD-Rom. This multimedia package will be used to support students with A level Physics both at CCHS and around the country at a time when the number of Physics teachers in the UK is falling.
Physics CD-Rom The CD-Rom is designed to operate as an independent learning package by creating a virtual physics lab. Interactive experiments and animations, cartoons and ‘talking head’ video clips of teachers will all be used to help students visualise and process difficult and abstract Physics concepts. The school is working closely with the Institute of Physics to develop these materials. We have appointed a new Head of Physics to facilitate the production of this resource.
Science for the 21 st Century A course being piloted across the country, which could replace the traditional GCSE science course in many schools All students follow a core issue based course in year 10 Students in year 11 then either follow a vocational based route to a qualification or a more traditional academic route, which would lead to A level sciences.
Science for the 21 st Century Old GCSE structure: Content driven course based primarily on the memorising and recall of knowledge. Scientific enquiry edged out in the preparation for summative examination New GCSE structure: Scientific literacy driven course – ‘the science for an informed citizenry’ Scientific enquiry at its heart – data, evidence, theories and explanations, practical and enquiry skills Application and Implications of science.
Perspectives on Science A new AS which centres on the History, Philosophy and Ethics of Science. Students are required to pose a specific research question within one of the following topic areas: The origins of the universe The human mind The beginning and ending of life Genetics Animal welfare Scientific revolutions The mechanistic universe
Perspectives on Science The assessment of this course is by a major research project. Students are required to plan, carry out and write a report of their research project and present their findings orally.
Salters-Nuffield Biology Salters-Nuffield Advanced Biology is much more than another A Level Spec, it has its own distinctive Philosophy and is supported by high quality Teaching materials. A very applied, very contextual course which aims to develop mature and effective modern biologists. As well as arming students with the knowledge of Biological principles it aims to develop the student’s skills to apply this knowledge in new situations
Old course v New Course Old course Content is presented in traditional themes e.g. ‘cell structure’ Course delivery is centred around the accumulation of knowledge – listen, watch, take notes, memorise and recall New Course Course adopts a storyline on a contemporary issue such as risk and cardiovascular disease. Course is activity based – practical work, debate, discuss, research, role play.
Saturday School The science department have booked the school premises every Saturday morning until the GCSE/ A level examinations. A programme has been developed that will provide a wide range of students with extra support in preparation for their exams. The first two Saturdays have been extremely well attended and extremely well received.