Estimating System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) Effort Jo Ann Lane, USC Symposium on Complex Systems Engineering January 11-12, 2007
2 Overview SoSE Cost Modeling Background Discussion: –Have appropriate size and cost drivers been defined? –What range of values should cost drivers assume?
3 System of Systems Engineering Software Engineering COCOMO II CostXpert CoStar Price-S SEER-SEM SLIM Systems Engineering COSYSMO COTS Integration COCOTS Hardware Engineering Price-H SEER-H Relationship of SoSE Cost Model to other Cost Models* * Barry Boehm, Ricardo Valerdi, Jo Ann Lane, and Winsor Brown, “COCOMO Suite Methodology and Evolution”, CrossTalk, April 2005.
4 System of Systems Cost Model Size Drivers Cost Drivers SoS Definition and Integration Effort Calibration COSOSIMO Characteristics of SoSs supported by cost model –Strategically-oriented stakeholders interested in tradeoffs and costs –Long-range architectural vision for SoS –Developed and integrated by an LSI –System component independence Size drivers and cost drivers –Based on product characteristics, processes that impact LSI effort, and LSI personnel experience and capabilities
5 Conceptual SoSE Effort Profile SoSE activities focus on three somewhat independent activities, performed by relatively independent teams A given organization may be responsible for one, two, or all activity areas Some SoS programs may have more than one organization performing SoSE activities
6 Planning, Requirements Management, and Architecting (PRA) Source Selection and Supplier Oversight (SO) SoS Integration and Testing (I&T) Size Drivers Cost Drivers SoS Definition and Integration Effort COSOSIMO Reduced Parameter Sub-Model Overview
7 Planning, Requirements Management, and Architecting Size Drivers # SoS-related requirements # SoS interface protocols Cost Drivers Requirements understanding Level of service requirements Stakeholder team cohesion SoS team capability Maturity of LSI processes Tool support Cost/schedule compatibility SoS risk resolution COSOSIMO: PRA Sub-Model SoSE PRA Effort
8 Source Selection and Supplier Oversight Size Drivers # independent component system organizations Cost Drivers Requirements understanding Architecture maturity Level of service requirements SoS team capability Maturity of LSI processes Tool support Cost/schedule compatibility SoS risk resolution COSOSIMO: SO Sub-Model SoSE SO Effort
9 SoS Integration and Testing Size Drivers # SoS interface protocols # SoS scenarios # unique component systems Cost Drivers Requirements understanding Architecture maturity Level of service requirements SoS team capability Maturity of LSI processes Tool support Cost/schedule compatibility SoS risk resolution Component system maturity and stability Component system readiness COSOSIMO: I&T Sub-Model SoSE I&T Effort