How is understanding developed and demonstrated? Performances of Understanding using multiple intelligences How to Teach for Understanding T527 on 15 October 2009
T-527 Fall 2009 Goals for today Understand how to clarify/refine goals to focus on understanding important content, methods, purposes, and forms Understand how to design performances that help learners ramp up their understanding of target goals through a coherent, challenging, accessible sequence of activities: introductory, guided, culminating Understand how to select, employ, and justify new technologies to foster understanding Understand how to use readings, the rubric, and colleagues to reflect on your own understanding and to request constructive feedback
T-527 Fall 2009 Activities for today Talk with Arzu Mistry and Todd Elkin about using technology to enhance performances of understandng Reflect on the process of curriculum design Discuss readings to clarify criteria for effective performances of understanding/uses of technology Work/consult on projects: use the rubric to assess topic/goals and plan learning/technology activities Mid-course assessment
T-527 Fall 2009 Curriculum design as a collaborative reflective process
T-527 Fall 2009 Curriculum Design as a collaborative, reflective process Reflect on readings: Disrupt your prior ideas, habits, expertise Consult with your partner to connect theory with practice without becoming too constrained Share draft work Keep with the schedule Surface dilemmas, request and provide feedback Respond to feedback revisions
T-527 Fall 2009 Using theory To design and analyze practice
T-527 Fall 2009 Defining your topic Throughlines, Big Purposes, Overarching Goals Curriculum Standards Required Content Generative Topic Target of Difficulty
T-527 Fall 2009 Finding a Target of Difficulty Important to Understand Difficult to Teach and Learn Helped with New Technology
T-527 Fall 2009 Understanding goals Boix Mansilla &Gardner –Knowledge –Methods –Forms –Purposes Focus on big ideas Align coherently: long-term, units, lessons; basic knowledge and skills to higher-order goals
T-527 Fall 2009 Nested Goals focus coherent learning Throughlines: Overall goals Understanding goals: Unit goals Subgoals: Lesson goals specific skills and knowledge
T-527 Fall 2009 Publicize explicit goals Veenema and Gardner: Unless educators are clear about their goals and their own priorities, the technology will becoming a tool of obfuscation rather than clarification. Goals define assessment criteria and drive design of performances
T-527 Fall 2009 Effective Learning Activities Performances of Understanding –Develop and demonstrate understanding of target goals –Require active learning and creative thinking –Build through coherent, challenging, accessible performances: introductory, guided, culminating –Include a rich range of entry points, levels of difficulty, multiple intelligences –Provide multiple opportunities for assessment and feedback
T-527 Fall 2009 Use technologies to enrich Performances of Understanding Multiple Intelligences Theory Represent ideas in multiple ways to engage learners Allow learners to use multiple intelligences to access, analyze, and express information and ideas Enable learners to choose different pathways through material they are studying Provide scaffolding that learners can select and tailor to serve their needs Use mindtools to engage and facilitate critical thinking and higher order thinking
T-527 Fall 2009 Work on your projects How do your topic and goals look in relation to the rubric criteria? Plan learning activities with today’s readings in mind How might you use technologies to engage learners, make goals clear, provide multiple/flexible methods to develop, apply, and express understanding?
T-527 Fall 2009 Complete midcourse feedback by Monday, October 19 Download file from assignments in course website and or deliver to Stone’s mailbox in 321 Longfellow Hall OR Complete the online form in Survey Monkey at GOxF7dfWLhPUIJZ_2b6tg_3d_3dhttp:// GOxF7dfWLhPUIJZ_2b6tg_3d_3d