1 Balanced Cache:Reducing Conflict Misses of Direct-Mapped Caches through Programmable Decoders ISCA 2006,IEEE. By Chuanjun Zhang Speaker: WeiZeng
2 Outline r Introduction r The B-Cache Organization r Experimental Results and Analysis r Related Work r Conclusion
3 Outline r Introduction r The B-Cache Organization r Experimental Results and Analysis r Related Work r Conclusion
4 Background Bottleneck to achieve high performance Increasing gap between memory latency and processor speed Multilevel memory hierarchy Cache acts as intermediary between the super fast processor and the much slower main memory. Two cache mapping schemes Direct-Mapped Cache: Set-Associative Cache:
5 Comparision Direct-Mapped Cache faster access time consumes less power per access consumes less area easy to implement simple to design higher miss rate Set-Associative Cache longer access time consumes more power per access consumes more area reduces conflict misses has a replacement policy Desirable cache : access time of direct-mapped cache + low miss rate of set-associative cache.
6 What is B-Cache? Balanced Cache (B-Cache): A mechanism to provide the benefit of cache block replacement while maintaining the constant access time of a direct-mapped cache
7 New features of B-Cache Decoder length of direct-mapped cache is increased by 3 bits: accesses to heavily used sets can be reduced to 1/8th of original design. A replacement policy is added. A programmable decoder is used.
8 The problem (an Example) 8-bit adresses 0,1,8,9... 0,1,8,9
9 8-bit address same as in 2-way cache X : invalid PD entry B-Cache solution
10 Outline r Introduction r The B-Cache Organization r Experimental Results and Analysis r Related Work r Conclusion
11 Terminology r Memory address mapping factor (MF): r B-Cache associativity (BAS): PI : index length of PD NPI : index length of NPD OI : index length of original direct-mapped cache MF = 2 (PI+NPI) /2 OI, where MF≥1 BAS = 2 OI /2 NPI, where BAS≥1
12 B-Cache organization MF = 2 (PI+NPI) /2 OI =2 (6+6) /2 9 =8BAS = 2 (OI) /2 NPI =2 (3) /2 6 =8
13 Replacement policy Random Policy: Simple to design and needs very few extra hardware. Least Recently Used(LRU): Better hit rate but more area overhead
14 Outline r Introduction r The B-Cache Organization r Experimental Results and Analysis r Related Work r Conclusion
15 Experimental Methodology Primary metric: miss rate Other metrics: Latency,Storage,Power Costs, Overall Performance, Overall Energy Baseline: level one cache (direct-mapped 16kB cache with 32 bytes line size for instruction and data caches) 26 SPEC2K benchmarks run using the SimpleScalar tool set
16 Data miss-rate reductions 16 entry victim buffer set-associative caches B-Caches with dif. MFs
17 Latency
18 Storage Overhead r Additional hardware for the B-Cache is the CAM based PD. r 4.3% higher than baseline
19 Power Overhead r Extra power consumption: PD of each subarray. r Power reduction: 3-bit data length reduction Removal of 3 input NAND gates r 10.5% higher than baseline
20 Overall Performance Outperforms baseline by average of 5.9%. Only 0.3% less than 8-way cache but 3.7% higher than victim buffer.
21 Overall Energy r B-Cache consumes least energy ( 2% less than the baseline ) r B-Cache reduces miss rate and hence accesses to 2nd level cache, which is more power costly. r When cache miss, B-Cache also reduces cache memory accesses through miss prediction of PD, which makes power overhead much less.
22 Outline r Introduction r The B-Cache Organization r Experimental Results and Analysis r Related Work r Conclusion
23 Related works Reducing Miss Rate of Direct Mapped Caches Page allocation Column associative cache Adaptive group associative cache Skewed associative cache r Reducing Access Time of Set-associative Caches Partial address matcing : predicting hit way Difference bit cache
24 Compared with previous tech B-cache r Applied to both high performance and low- power embedded systems r Balanced without software intervention r Feasible and easy to implement
25 Outline r Introduction r The B-Cache Organization r Experimental Results and Analysis r Related Work r Conclusion
26 Conclusion r B-Cache allows accesses to cache sets to be balanced by increasing the decoder length and incorporating a replacement policy to a direct-mapped cache design. r Programmable decoders dynamically determine which memory address has a mapping to cache set r A 16kB level one B-Cache outperforms direct-mapped cache by 64.5% and 37.8% miss rate reductions for instruction and data cache, respectively r Average IPC improvement: 5.9% r Energy reduction: 2%. r Access time: same as direct mapped cache
27 Thanks!