COVCA/Campus Planning & Budget Officers April 3, 2003 Meeting
New Business Architecture framework and objectives Look to the future Look to the future Address growth impacts Address growth impacts Support departmental administrators Support departmental administrators Propose new models Propose new models Stimulate change Stimulate change Articulate requirements Articulate requirements
Target audience: new, less experienced users of administrative systems Single access point for information and transactions, “one stop shopping”, single (fewer) sign-on(s) Ease of access and navigation Content managed for clarity, currency and redundancy Business Portal Integrate knowledge, transactions and training
MyUCDavis, UCI Simple Navigational Administrative Portal (SNAP), MyUCLA, UCSD Blink, UC-Wide procurement for common portal and content management platforms (not funded) Current evaluation of U-portal, an open source solution Business Portal
UC as employer of choice; build the UC community Productivity and collaboration tools A learning-focused organization : –Just in time training delivery –Integrated work and learning environment Improved HR policies and processes (e.g. classification and recruitment) Market-based compensation & flexible benefits People Recruit and retain the highest quality staff and develop them for success
University wide Business Officers Institute UC Supervisory Training Initiative, (in development ) Campus Business Officer Institutes –UCB BOI, –UCI Campus Business Officer Institute, People Recruit and retain the highest quality staff and develop them for success
UCSD Staff Retention and Support Initiative ml?coming_from=Content ml?coming_from=Content Web-Based Training for Core Financial Systems: A Proposed e-Learning Strategy for UCLA and UCOP Employees (not funded) People Recruit and retain the highest quality staff and develop them for success
Simplify and automate paper-based processes Clarify policy and make it more accessible Leverage technology to improve process design and performance Ensure performance metrics are built into processes Processes/Policies Redesigned processes and streamlined policies to make work easier
University-wide IT and Records Management Policy Revision, UCOP Information Resources and Communications UCD NBA Initiative UCSC NBA Projects, On-line Employment Application System, Recruitment Management System, CruzTime Campus Calendaring System, and Campus Map Web Site UCSD Blink – Staff “what to do/ how to do it” resource AVC NBA Forum to pursue University-wide opportunities for policy / process simplification Processes/Policies Redesigned processes and streamlined policies to make work easier
Move business applications to the Web Move from proprietary systems to common standards and interfaces Ensure adequate security & user authentication Identify & develop self-service applications Provide tools to departments - where 80% + of the work is performed Enabling Technology Leverage new technology to contain costs and provide critical business functions
Payroll/Personnel System web-enablement project e-Berkeley, Office of the Vice Chancellor, Business and Administrative Services, berkeley.html berkeley.html UC For Yourself, web access to UC Benefits information ( UCSF Common Individual Identifier / enterprise directory project Enabling Technology Leverage new technology to contain costs and provide critical business functions
UCOP/campuses: Common authentication / directory initiative HR Data Warehouse (planned) Secure , file transfer, corporate systems transactions (University-wide work groups) My DashBoard (UCSD) Enabling Technology Leverage new technology to contain costs and provide critical business functions
Provide All Financial Reporting & Transactions on Web Provide Flexible Tools for Financial Projections & Modeling at both Senior Management and Department Levels Use new technologies to Link Campus Financial Systems Financial Systems University-wide strategy for transfer and integration of financial and other “corporate” data
E-procurement pilot (UCSD and UCSC developing plans to use UCLA Bruin Buy ) GASB and Inter-location transfer systems delivered via the Web Leverage new technologies (XML and Web Services) for information exchange Financial Systems University-wide strategy for transfer and integration of financial and other “corporate” data
Source: Kaplan and Norton Organizational Performance Performance metrics integrated into business processes Define excellence Set goals and standards Maintain focus Assess results Take action to improve
Organizational Performance Performance metrics integrated into business processes - UCB “Balanced Scorecard,” Business and Administrative Services, UCI “Administrative Improvement Model,” Administrative and Business Services, UCLA “Balanced Scorecard Project,” UCSC “Divisional Balanced Scorecard,” Business and Administrative Services - - UCSD Performance Measurements/Balanced Scorecard, ry=&comin ry=&comin - -UCSF Auxiliary Services Balanced Scorecard Moving Forward Refresh and sustain the vision Refresh and sustain the vision Budget constraints as opportunity Budget constraints as opportunity Leadership support Leadership support Technology as an enabler – not the ultimate goal Technology as an enabler – not the ultimate goal Spearhead collective action where it makes sense Spearhead collective action where it makes sense Support and link campus initiatives Support and link campus initiatives