UST Exempt Staff Council A series of forums for exempt staff to discuss a proposed new university committee Richelle Wesley, Associate University Registrar Sarah E. Spencer, Assistant Director, International Education Lisa Burke, Director, Web Initiatives, College of Business
Agenda Introductions History Process to date & proposal overview Discussion Contact information
A Bit of History Last 20 years Strategic planning process
UST Employee Data Total Employees Total Faculty % % % % -Tenured Faculty % % % % -Tenured Track925.1%1166.3%1297.0% % -Limited Term 693.8%553.0%432.3%362.0% -Adjunct % % % % Total Administration % % % % -Exempt Administration % % % % -Hourly Administration % % % % (From IRP’s “Five Year Snapshot, 2001 – 2006,”
Exempt staff by division Academic Affairs30 College of Arts & Sciences23 College of Business79 School of Divinity10 School of Education8 School of Engineering2 School of Law21 School of Prof. Psychology1 School of Social Work6 Division of Human Resources9 Division of Student Affairs70 Division of Finance & Administration74 Division of Information Resources & Technologies101 Division of Institutional Advancement55 Enrollment Services39 Office of Mission & Diversity8 Office of the President1
Process to date Presentations to Executive Vice Presidents, Academic and Administrators Leadership group, and President’s Staff Communication with exempt staff about proposed council Call for volunteers to serve on one year working group Formal proposal to president’s staff for approval, spring 2007 Hold elections for new exempt staff council, summer 2007
Why do we need this council? Perceived need for individuals with common terms and conditions of employment to come together Faculty Affairs and Staff Council represent other employee populations Consultation with current staff council determined employee types different enough for distinct councils Venue for raising issues of common interest and concern, and building community Way to engage exempt staff in university-focused dialogue rather than unit or position focused
Proposal Purpose of the Exempt Staff Council Serve as a forum to foster communication at all levels of the institution, to advise in decision-making processes affecting its constituents, and, in general, to focus on cooperation, working conditions, morale and advancing the mission of the University of St Thomas. Work to promote understanding and fairness with regard to benefits, employment, and other areas of concern, as well as to promote opportunities for exempt staff development. Appoint exempt staff as appropriate/requested to serve on standing committees of the university, task forces and ad hoc committees that support the educational mission of the university. As employees in higher education, exempt staff have a unique opportunity to contribute to the mission of the university in collaboration with faculty and non-exempt staff.
Proposal Exempt Staff Council Membership Employees of the University of St Thomas who are classified as exempt according to the regulatory provisions of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, with the exception of employees at grade 24 and above (including deans, associate vice presidents, vice presidents and executive vice presidents) and employees whose primary affiliation with the university is as faculty. A proportional number of voting members, elected by exempt staff from divisional work units and members at large representing different campuses. At writing, it is envisioned that the council shall consist of no fewer than eight members, and no greater than 15 members.
Prospective role of council Populating tasks forces and committees Interdepartmental/interdivisional communication Opportunity for like-positions to connect Professional development and service projects Gap resolution in process and policy formation Goal: To develop a productive, collaborative, and solutions-oriented council that provides leadership in times of change
Not perceived as role Replacing channels and processes already in place (grievances, etc.) Developing opportunities for collective bargaining
Examples of similar groups University of Minnesota - CAPA Central Washington University College of St. Catherine Others….
Discussion topics What do we have in common as exempt staff? How could this council support us as a body of staff?
Discussion topics Does it make sense to exclude exempt staff who are members of senior administration? Should other positions be excluded?
Discussion topics How could a group like this support the mission/strategic directions of the university? How can we ensure this group is seen as an effective forum by the university administrators?
Discussion topics Would you be willing to serve on an exempt staff council? Would you be supported by your department/division?
Next steps Make the case to President’s staff (proof of concept) Establish a working group Propose and approve bylaws Elect staff council Promote ongoing dialogue – future blog and website, , paper, sidewalk conversation, anything!
Thank you for your support! Richelle Wesley, Associate University Registrar, x2-6705, Sarah Spencer, Assistant Director, International Education, x2-6452, Lisa Burke, Director, Web Initiatives, College of Business, x2-5143, For ongoing discussion and other resources, see