Successful mentoring for a diverse workplace: a program for supervisors to support the retention of diverse staff at UCR MEI Certificate Program Capstone Project Team Members: Faye Brock, Ann Frenkel & Nasser Salomon Facilitator: Sylvia Vasquez
Successful Mentoring for a Diverse Workplace UCR is committed to recruiting, welcoming, supporting and retaining a diverse staff.…
Successful Mentoring for a Diverse Workplace Mentoring… Mentoring… helps retain staff helps retain a diverse staff helps a diverse staff feel welcome and included Increases staff morale
Successful Mentoring for a Diverse Workplace UCR Today… Who Mentors? Supervisors immediate and consistent contact; responsible for coaching and developing staff responsible for promoting friendly climate and good morale vested interest in retaining staff
Successful Mentoring for a Diverse Workplace UCR Need Identified no mentor skills training “there is some miscommunication and/or lack of knowledge about … the options that employees have in order to pursue their career development.” ( staff climate work) Implement mentoring and advising implement manager education
Successful Mentoring for a Diverse Workplace The Program 1. in-person mentor training program or module for supervisors 2. online module with information on mentoring 3. add mentoring to UCR staff performance appraisal
Successful Mentoring for a Diverse Workplace Program Implementation formally sponsored by Human Resources course content created by an Advisory Group campus supervisor, administrator, or an HR instructor as mentoring instructor HR facilitates change in staff performance appraisal
Successful Mentoring for a Diverse Workplace Best Practices development of effective supervisor skills; programs open to large number of employees; encourage coaching; provide network of additional resources; Include Campus Resources to help design programs; provide training for mentors and mentees.
Successful Mentoring for a Diverse Workplace Measurements Surveys to participants Two surveys (after the program, 6 months later) Determine supervisors’ level of satisfaction Communicating to Department Heads
Successful Mentoring for a Diverse Workplace Improve retention of diverse employees Create a diverse pool of skilled staff Improve staff productivity Satisfied and more loyal employees Increase office morale Promote employee self-starting abilities Succession planning of a diverse staff Benefits
Successful Mentoring for a Diverse Workplace Time management concerns for supervisors Lack of staff buy-in Time to create and maintain course content and online content Risks
Successful Mentoring for a Diverse Workplace Lessons Learned Other universities are struggling too Mentors are not born; good mentoring comes with training UCR’s staff climate survey work has revealed a definite need for mentors and mentor training Mentors can assist each other with best practices and support the development of their peers.