Technology to the Warfighter Quicker Stream Processing for Computer Generated Forces Kickoff Meeting Maria Bauer RDECOM-STTC
Technology to the Warfighter Quicker Agenda Project Summary Technical Information Team Members and Roles Schedule Deliverables Information needed Communication Upcoming Events
Technology to the Warfighter Quicker Project Summary – GPU Research Customer: DARPA User: PM OneSAF Contract Type: Cost Period of Performance: 3/18/2004 – 12/18/2005 Subcontractor SAIC
Technology to the Warfighter Quicker Technical Information - SOW Description Statement of Work (SOW) UNC shall develop new algorithms for real-time path and route planning in complex terrain and urban environments. UNC shall develop GPU-based visibility and line-of-sight (LOS) computations for real-time interaction and communication between very large numbers of entities (thousands). UNC shall develop GPU-based real-time collision detection for terrain simulation. UNC shall leverage early PCA program developments, including streaming architecture and streaming languages (e.g. Brook developed at Stanford) Developed algorithms shall be integrated with the OneSAF Objective System (OOS). UNC shall develop software libraries that can be distributed freely to DOD labs and also used for other applications. UNC shall deliver quarterly management reports. Each report shall cover progress attained during the reporting period, contract funds expended and contract funds remaining.
Technology to the Warfighter Quicker Team Members Dinesh Manocha (UNC Chapel Hill) Ming C. Lin (UNC Chapel Hill) Michael Macedonia (PEO STRI) Maria Bauer (RDECOM) Audrey Rubel (RDECOM) Latika Eifert (RDECOM) Angel Rodriguez (RDECOM) Brett Butler (SAIC) Pat Hanrahan (Stanford)
Technology to the Warfighter Quicker Program Players and Roles Task I: Use of GPUs to speed-up OneSAF computations Algorithm Development: UNC Experiment Design and Data Collection Plan: UNC/SAIC Integrate in OneSAF: UNC/SAIC Test & Performance Analysis:UNC/SAIC Final Report: UNC
Technology to the Warfighter Quicker Program Players and Roles Task II: Use of Streaming Languages & Architectures for OneSAF Computation Development & Delivery of Brook: Stanford Redesign visibility, collision avoidance and route planning algorithms using Brook: UNC/Stanford OneSAF performance Evaluation using Brook: UNC/Stanford/SAIC Evaluating Brook and Streaming Architectures for Computer- Generated Forces: UNC/Stanford/SAIC Final Report: UNC/Stanford
Technology to the Warfighter Quicker Deliverables Initial Report Report on experiment design and data collection plan Due 6 months after contract award Mid Report Detailed architecture of integrating routines into OOS. Performance of line-of- sight and collision computations using GPU’s Information regarding progress of language development for GPU’s Due 12 months after contract award Final Report: Will document the comparison of performance between the traditional (OOS) CPU centric solution versus a GPU centric solution for the terrain placement, collision detection and LOS services The final report will contain all information regarding use of Brook for CGF application Due 30 days before the end of the contract
Technology to the Warfighter Quicker Schedule
Technology to the Warfighter Quicker Schedule
Technology to the Warfighter Quicker Upcoming Events GP 2 : Workshop on General Purpose computing on Graphics Processors August 7-8, 2004, Los Angeles Participants from computer graphics, computer architecture, simulation, high performance computing
Technology to the Warfighter Quicker Questions?