RockSat-C 2011 ISTR Individual Subsystem Testing Report Team Name School Date 1 Team Members archive/2009/07.aspx
RockSat-C 2011 ISTR Mission Overview Brief summary of: –Mission statement –Mission objectives –Expected results and uses for the data 2
RockSat-C 2011 ISTR Functional Block Diagrams FBD of entire system on this slide, break down into individual subsystems on the following slides Highlight major systems that will be integrated on main FBD, describe major components in individual systems 3
RockSat-C 2011 ISTR Changes from CDR Updates on any system modifications since CDR, and why you made these changes 4
RockSat-C 2011 ISTR Program Management and Team Updates Did anyone switch roles? –Who’s new? –Team picture jpg
RockSat-C 2011 ISTR Schedule Update Are you on schedule? Has anything been shifted? Why? How will you resolve changes? What are your main concerns? 6
RockSat-C 2011 ISTR Subsystem Overview What are your subsystems? (list) Who will discuss each subsystem? 7
RockSat-C 2011 ISTR Loch Ness Subsystem Update Status –What is complete/what has been tested? –What has not yet been checked out Be honest because we all know things happen Pictures! 8
RockSat-C 2011 ISTR Loch Ness Subsystem Update What tests were completed? Pictures! 9
RockSat-C 2011 ISTR Loch Ness Subsystem Update What were the results –Show data, interpret success/failure of the tests Data! Pictures! 10
RockSat-C 2011 ISTR Dinosaur Subsystem Update Status –What is complete/what has been tested? –What has not yet been checked out Be honest because we all know things happen Pictures! 11
RockSat-C 2011 ISTR Dinosaur Subsystem Update What tests were completed? Pictures! 12
RockSat-C 2011 ISTR Dinosaur Subsystem Update What were the results –Show data, interpret success/failure of the tests Data! Pictures! You will have several subsystems so please cover this information for each one 13
RockSat-C 2011 ISTR Plan for Subsystem Integration Based on where you are now, how will you ensure the subsystems will be integrated and tested for the Subsystem Integration and Testing Report? What are the major hurdles doing to be? 14
RockSat-C 2011 ISTR Lessons Learned What have you learned about subsystem testing and engineering so far? What would you do differently? What has worked well so far? 15
RockSat-C 2011 ISTR Conclusions Recap issues and concerns Any closing comments 16
RockSat-C 2011 ISTR APPENDIX Additional data not immediately relevant to the presentation 17