UNIT 1 The “words” of journalism Write as many words in English as you can that refer to the field of journalism and group them into subcategories
The semantic field of journalism The Media, the Mass Media (including newspapers, photography, the Radio, the Television, films, advertising…), Multimedia/multimodal Journalism ( from the French word “jour”, the word emerged in the 19th century) The Press (e.g. from a romance etymology referring to printing technology) Newspaper (coined in the 17° century) Quality versus popular; broadsheet versus tabloid; local, national, international; daily versus Sunday editions; up-market, mid-market, downmarket newspapers. Periodicals: magazine, weekly, monthly … journal (e.g. academic journal) Journalists, newspapermen/women, reporters, columnists, chief-editor, editorial write Journalese Names of newspapers ( e.g. Mercury, Herald, Express, Observer, Standard, The Independent, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph …) …..
What is there in a newspaper? What are the contents of a newspaper ? Under what general headings can they be classified?
SOME EXISTING LABELS (to refer to different sections/genres) 1.News. Hard news (e.g. home/national news, international /world news, overseas news ) versus soft news (human interest stories) versus special topic news ( e.g. business news, sport, tourism) 2.Opinion = Leading articles/leaders, comment, op-ed (an article printed on a page opposite the editorial), articles and letters to the Editor, columns 3.Feature articles = longer pieces of writing usually about recent news or the way people live 4.Service information, e.g. weather forecast, radio and TV programmes, Court Circulars 5.Obituaries, in memoriam, death notices 6.Advertising, classified ads 7.Sports section 8.Reviews ( e.g. film/books/ music/ arts) 9.Entertainment, e.g. cartoons, crosswords, sudoku 10.Different sections depending on the day of the week (e.g. week-end edition) 11.…..
Some key features to identify a newspaper/magazine a. name and country of publication b. first date of publication c. type of publication d. type and size of readership (the reader and the implied reader) a. news coverage b. “ideology” c. ownership and funding d. price i. format l. peculiar journalistic features …………
From the THE ECONOMIST website first published in 1843 in England weekly It goes to press on Thursdays and, printed simultaneously in six countries, is available in most of the world's main cities the following day or soon after. READERSHIP: both specialists and educated readers COVERAGE : world business and current affairs, providing insight and opinion on international news, world politics, business, finance, science and technology, as well as overviews of cultural trends and industry, business and country special reports. IDEOLOGY "It is to the Radicals that The Economist still likes to think of itself as belonging. The extreme centre is the paper's historical position.“… “It considers itself the enemy of privilege, pomposity and predictability. It has backed conservatives such as Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. It has supported the Americans in Vietnam. But it has also endorsed Harold Wilson and Bill Clinton, and espoused a variety of liberal causes: opposing capital punishment from its earliest days, while favouring penal reform and decolonisation, as well as—more recently—gun control and gay marriage”.
From The Economist website (follows) OWNERSHIP. Since 1928, half the shares have been owned by the Financial Times, a subsidiary of Pearson, the other half by a group of independent shareholders, including many members of the staff. The editor's independence is guaranteed by the existence of a board of trustees, which formally appoints him and without whose permission he cannot be removed. PRICE £3.90 FORMAT : paper edition and on line edition. On the website there are archives and search options (e.g. topic, country) SPECIAL FEATURES: articles are anonymous because there is a belief that what is written is more important than who writes it. The Economist believes in plain language. Walter Bagehot, our most famous 19th-century editor, tried "to be conversational, to put things in the most direct and picturesque manner, as people would talk to each other in common speech, to remember and use expressive colloquialisms". That remains the style of the paper today. Witty and challenging headlines, exploiting puns and idioms