Visualizing Vocabulary: Moving Beyond Lists and Definitions Victoria A. Oglan Ph.D. Deidre M. Clary, Ph.D. University of South Carolina
Lists and definitions have gone the way of the dodo bird. ~Elin Keene
Vocabulary is a full contact sport. ~ Sara Holbrook and Michael Salinger
2D Palindromes… are word squares in which every row and column reads as a word in both directions.
The “Nym” Family Words ending in –nym are often used to describe different classes of words, and the relationships between words. The –nym literally means name, from the Greek onoma meaning name or word.
Some of the family members… acronymsantonymsaptronyms autonymstautonymshomonyms hypernymseponymsexonyms patronymscontronymsbacronyms synonymsmeronymsmetonyms heteronymshyperonymshyponyms autoantonymscapitonymsoronyms paronymspseudonymsretronyms
Words in a Word Vocabulary
Let’s Predict How many words are there in the English language ?
How many words do you think you know?
What is the longest word in the English language?
What word in the English language has the most meanings?
Set has 464 definitions in the Oxford English Dictionary
Run runs a distant second with 396
Rounding out the top 10 are: go with 368 take with 343 stand with 334 get with 289 turn with 288 put with 268 fall with 264 strike with 250
How many metaphors do you use in regular conversation (free discourse)?
It is now well accepted that the chief cause of the achievement gap between socioeconomic groups is a language gap. ~ Ed Hirsch 2003
Struggling readers lack word knowledge Struggling readers do not use visualization as a strategy
Research also tells us word knowledge: promotes reading fluency boosts reading comprehension improves academic achievement enhances thinking and communication
And… Students learn words through wide reading Knowing a word means more than knowing a definition for the word Discussion leads to vocabulary learning Students learn words through strategy instruction
What Doesn’t Work? Copying definitions Writing sentences Telling students to “use context” Memorizing lists of definitions ~Feldman & Kinsella (2003)
Four Principles to Guide Vocabulary Instruction Students should be active learners in vocabulary and strategies to enhance vocabulary Students benefit from personalizing the learning of words
Four Principles to Guide Vocabulary Instruction Students gain from immersion in words Students augment their vocabulary through repeated exposure to words
Comprehensive vocabulary instruction that includes strategy instruction where students are provided opportunities to play with words and language is a necessary part of a plan for academic success.
Some Strategies to Think About… Word sorts Sticky note sentences Cloze tasks Word walls Picture walk (to introduce new words) Rebus Word webs
List, group label Ten important words Kid-Friendly definitions Word wonder ARTiculate the word Word curiosity
It’s Rebus Time! What is a Rebus? JOBINJOB
Search the web
Become a wordsmith, a lexophile Make your classroom a place where students learn to become language collectors.
Remember… One forgets words as one forgets names. One's vocabulary needs constant fertilizing or it will die. ~Evelyn Waugh
So Now We Are…
Thank You ROMANIAN mulţumesc GERMAN danke (dahn-kah) HAWAIIAN mahalo HEBREW toda (toh-dah) ICELANDIC takk FRENCH merci (mehr-see) SPANISH gracias SLOVENIAN hvala JAPANESE arigatô (ahree-gah-tow)