Update on the National Tertiary Quality Arena Friday 29 April 2011 Lisa Thompson-Gordon, Principal Consultant QCU
Quality Quiz – test your knowledge 1. In what year were the AQTF standards first introduced? 2. What is the name of the new National VET Regulator? 3. What does the VRQA stand for? 4. What are the (3) key components of the AQTF Essential Conditions & Standards for Continuing Registration? 5. True or false: If I have the old Certificate IV in TAA this is also evidence that I am also current in my VET skills and knowledge. 6. What does compliance vs quality assurance mean to you? (in no more than 20 words) RMIT University©2011 VETLink – External Intelligence 2
RMIT University©2011 VETLink – External Intelligence 3
Quality Consultancy Unit – who we are and what we do Our role Advice across TAFE & HE (often ‘just in time’) Input (and influence) to senior level decision making across the QA framework Internal and external audit Develop systems, processes & resources for effective planning, review, monitoring and improvement of QA activity Respond to government policy & QA legislative frameworks (TEQSA, ASQA, VRQA) Reviews & audit types AQTF (internal & external) Offshore reviews of partner programs Organisational reviews RMIT University©2011 VETLink – External Intelligence 4
Update - VET Quality Assurance Frameworks AQTF10 Implemented July 2010 & includes essential standards for initial & continuing registration Key changes – financial management & governance arrangements, systematic validation & moderation of assessment, currency of industry skills, transition to Cert IV TAE by July 2012 and quality indicators (Learner Questionnaire, Employer Questionnaire & Completions data) Key RMIT workforce development activity – TAE Skills upgrade & auditor training VRQA Guidelines Took effect July 2010 Imposes additional requirements to AQTF10 and developed in response to closure of smaller high risk providers Currently RMIT is unable to comply with all requirements eg, conflict with RMIT’s establishment legislation RMIT University©2011 VETLink – External Intelligence 5
The New National VET Regulator Introducing ASQA - Australian Skills Quality Authority Establishment legislation passed in March, with commencement on July 1 Operation depends on referral of regulatory powers by states and territories July - NSW, ACT and NT Oct - Dec: QLD, TAS and SA Victoria and WA resisting sign up ASQA Values Independence – in regulatory role and providing advice Transparency – in regulatory role decisions and activities Collaboration – with industry, other VET regulators, governments & RTOs Opportunity to (re) build trust in the professionalism, consistency & integrity of national VET system and its regulation RMIT University©2011 VETLink – External Intelligence 6
ASQA’s Regulatory Approach ASQA will regulate within the existing VET quality framework (AQTF) Regulation is risk-based and targeted Sanctions and penalties will be proportionate and meaningful Develop a regulatory culture which: Rewards providers who are willing or trying to do the right thing Penalises providers who don’t want to comply or have chosen not to RMIT University©y2011 VETLink – External Intelligence 7
Focus on Risk Analysis Comprehensive risk analysis of both RTOs and the VET system Risk assessment framework Structured risk assessments of initial, renewal and scope applications Input from: Auditors Industry bodies (ISCs, regulatory bodies, professional associations) student complaints Student and employer outcomes and visa data Not all applications will result in an audit (risk-based and meaningful) Regulatory effort is directed at areas of higher risk RMIT University©2011 VETLink – External Intelligence 8
Making the transition for Victorian RTOs
Will I be regulated by ASQA? Three variables Courses on the CRICOS Register? Trading Corporation? Operating in a Referring State?
Will I be regulated by ASQA? You will be regulated by ASQA if: –You provide CRICOS courses, and/or –You operate in a referring state or territory. You will be regulated by VRQA if: –Your answer to both questions above is ‘no’. You may be regulated by both regulators if: –You provide both CRICOS and domestic students’ courses, OR –You deliver in both Victoria and interstate, AND –You are not a trading corporation
Who is My Regulator? If I Only Deliver in Victoria to Domestic Students? Victorian RTO Operating in a Referring State? VRQA NO CRICOS Register? Answer Both Questions And
Who is My Regulator if I answer ‘Yes’ - Because I also operate in a Territory or Referring State Victorian RTO Operating in a Referring State? VRQA Trading Corporation ? ASQA Interstate Ops VRQA Victorian Ops NO YES CRICOS Courses?
Who is My Regulator if I answer ‘Yes’ - Because I have courses on the CRICOS Register Victorian RTO Operating in a Referring State? VRQA Only CRICOS Courses? ASQA Interstate Ops VRQA Victorian Ops NO YES CRICOS Registered Courses? Trading Corporation ? YES
The New National HE Regulator Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency (TEQSA) Drivers: 2008 Bradley review of higher education Move to competitive, demand driven market by 2012 Consumer protection & maintenance of quality Establishment legislation passed by parliament in March to commence operation in July, reducing 9 regulators to 1 Retains the self – accrediting status of universities Approach to audit / review will take into account an institution’s mission, scale & past track record and unnecessary intrusion into lower risk providers Regulatory approach will be risk-based & proportionate Greater powers to take action and impose penalties & sanctions RMIT University©2011 VETLink – External Intelligence a 15
The Vision - Single National Tertiary Regulator TEQSA & ASQA developed in parallel for possible merger after 2013 Shared office in Melbourne Close consultation – shared concerns & identifying commonalities & divergence RMIT is actively contributing to the national HE and VET quality agenda RMIT University©yyyy VETLink – External Intelligence 16
Our shared challenge Framework & practice that supports enhanced accountability Developing capability of middle managers & the ‘front line’ Strategic approach to review & audit – “we need to rationalise” Positive PR relationship building with our internal clients Sounding familiar!!! RMIT University©2011 VETLink – External Intelligence 17
QUESTIONS Thank you RMIT University©2011 VETLink – External Intelligence 18