By: James Ondecko  What is Android?  Helpful backgrounds for Android development  Tools & Installs  Android Virtual Devices  Helpful references.


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Presentation transcript:

By: James Ondecko

 What is Android?  Helpful backgrounds for Android development  Tools & Installs  Android Virtual Devices  Helpful references Image found at

Direct Quote from: Image found at

 General programming experience  Java  XML

 JDK  Eclipse IDE  Android SDK  Android Plug-in for Eclipse  /downloads/index.html /downloads/index.html   l l  adt.html#installing adt.html#installing

 Testing on your own Android device?  Install proper software from your phone ◦ Software provided with phone ◦ Download from internet

 Allow you to test without a physical device  Can test a wide range of setups

 Can have multiple virtual devices  Take a bit to load up  Don’t need to shut down on every run (shouldn’t)