9 March 2006 Securitization
Fjármögnun fasteignaviðskipta Fyrir ágúst 2004 — Íbúðalánasjóður 70% — Lífeyrissjóðir 25% — Fjármálafyrirtæki 5% Lausleg áætlun — Íbúðalánasjóður 40% — Lífeyrissjóðir 10% — Fjármálafyrirtæki 50%
Kaupthing – Structured Covered Bonds CDO / MBS = Collateralized Dept Obligation / Mortgages Backed Securities CDO / MBS eru verðbréf sem fá greiðsluflæði sitt frá potti af undirliggjandi skuldabréfum Best útskýrt með einföldu dæmi
Uppbygging Forgangsbréf Skuldabréf Eignir Undirliggjandi skuldabréf Millibréf Skuldabréf Hlutafé (skírteini)
Til hvers ? Tilgangurinn er misjafn Virðisauki — Minni gjaldþrotsáhætta — Aukinn seljanleiki Aukin gírun — Selja CDO bréf með lágan vaxtamun, en halda bréfum með hærri vaxtamun Skráning — Pakka saman óskráð bréf og fá í staðin skráð bréf Forgangsbréf Skuldabréf Eignir Undirliggjand i skuldabréf Millibréf Skuldabréf Hlutafé (skírteini)
Dæmi Eitt undirliggjandi bréf — Vaxtagreiðslubréf til 5 ára — 100 milljón kr. höfuðstóll — Greiðir 8% vexti einu sinni á ári Eitt CDO skuldabréf — Vaxtagreiðslubréf til 5 ára — 95 milljón kr. höfuðstóll — Greiðir 7% vexti einu sinni á ári Skuldabréf 95 millj. 7% Eignir 100millj. 8% vextir 12mán. 5 ár. Hlutafé (5 millj.)
Dæmi Vaxtamunur: 1% Gírun á hlutabréfin: — 8% af 5 milljónum — 1% af 95 milljónum — Samtals: 8% + 1%*95/5 = 27%!! Gjaldþrotsvörn — Ef 100x1 milljón kr. bréf í eignum, þá mega 5 fara í gjaldþrot áður en CDO 1 byrjar að skerðast. Skuldabréf 95 millj. 7% Eignir 100millj. 8% vextir 12mán. 5 ár. Hlutafé (5 millj.)
Kaupthing – Structured Covered Bonds Primary funding for KB Mortgage Portfolio Denominated in ISK Index-linked with the Icelandic CPI Annuity payment structure (prepayable at the discretion of the Issuer) Maturity in 2033 and 2048 (28y and 43y) 3 year program – potential size ISK 200 billion (≈ EUR 2.5 Billion)
Kaupthing – Structured Covered Bonds Investor Covered Bonds Kaupthing bank Issuer Fund Representative Asset MonitorCash Manager Servicer Custody AgentDealer
Kaupthing – Structured Covered Bonds In order to carry out the project a new entity "KB mortgages" will be created The Fund (SPV) will be an institutional investor funds (Fagfjárfestasjóður) which sole objective is to buy mortgages The funds equity will be fully owned by Kaupthing Bank and its subsidiaries (if needed it will be possible to expand the programme outside of Iceland in the future) The fund finances its buy of mortgages through an inter-company loan and through equity contributions from Kaupthing.
Kaupthing – Structured Covered Bonds Loan Agreemen t Dividend payments Mortgages SPV Covered Bonds Services Tax payments SubordinatedGeneral claimSubordinated General claim Issuer Event of Default 1.000m 1.050m 50m (plus interest – expenses)
Kaupthing – Structured Covered Bonds The funds assets will be consolidated into Kaupthings balance sheet In spite of this the fund will at the same time be bankruptcy remote from the bank and its assets will act as a guarantee for the structured covered bonds issued by the bank This means that in case of bankruptcy of Kaupthing Bank the fund will take over the obligations of the issued covered bonds against netting out the inter-company loan