EAS 140 Engineering Solutions Lecture #7 Chemical Engineering Case Study and Info
Chemical Civil Computer Industrial Electrical Mechanical EAS 140: Engineering Solutions Review: CE Case Study n One of the many kinds of systems that CE’s design are separation systems n The case study came from the ammonia synthesis plant –The catalysts are pellets of iron or iron oxide –They must be very pure n The iron is obtained from ore –It is not pure –Purify it by dissolving in acid and selectively precipitating only the iron
Chemical Civil Computer Industrial Electrical Mechanical EAS 140: Engineering Solutions CE Case Study Continued n To design equipment in which the ore will be dissolved, need rate data n We will gather experimental data and use it to develop a model for the rate of dissolution n Rate equation:
Chemical Civil Computer Industrial Electrical Mechanical EAS 140: Engineering Solutions Chemical Engineering Facts n U.S. Initial Placement of CE’s, 1998 –Industry 57.2% –Government 2.2% –Graduate School 14.4% –Returned Overseas 1.7% –Unemployed 6.6% –Other 4.2% –Unknown 13.6%
Chemical Civil Computer Industrial Electrical Mechanical EAS 140: Engineering Solutions Industry Employment 1998 n Chemical 26.1% n Fuels 10.8% n Electronics 11.4% n Food/Consumer Products 14.6% n Design & Construction 7.2% n Materials 6.0% n Biotechnology (Pharmaceuticals) 4.6% n Environmental 2.6% n Pulp & Paper 2.9% n Public Utilities 0.8% n Other Industries 13%
Chemical Civil Computer Industrial Electrical Mechanical EAS 140: Engineering Solutions CE Starting Salaries (B.S.) n 71% of those who had accepted jobs were greater than $45k. n 10% over $50k. n 5% under $40k. n Ph.D.’s are starting at $60 to $65k
Chemical Civil Computer Industrial Electrical Mechanical EAS 140: Engineering Solutions The CE Curriculum Freshmen n Fall –Calculus I –Chemistry –Eng. Solutions –General Education (2) n Spring –Calculus II –Physics I –Chemistry II –General Education (2)
Chemical Civil Computer Industrial Electrical Mechanical EAS 140: Engineering Solutions The CE Curriculum Sophomore n Fall –Calculus III –Physics II –Engineering Thermo –CE 212 (Mass & Energy Balances) –General Education n Spring –Differential Equations –Statics –CE Thermo –EAS 230 –Technical Elective (Communications)
Chemical Civil Computer Industrial Electrical Mechanical EAS 140: Engineering Solutions The CE Curriculum Junior n Fall –Organic Chemistry I –CE Design –Transport Processes I –CE laboratory I –General education n Spring –Organic Chemistry II –Physical Chemistry & lab –CE Unit Operations I –Transport Processes II –CE laboratory II –General education
Chemical Civil Computer Industrial Electrical Mechanical EAS 140: Engineering Solutions The CE Curriculum Senior n Fall –CE Unit Operations II –CE Reaction Engineering –Material Science & Corrosion –CE laboratory III –CE Technical Elective –General education n Spring –CE Plant Design –CE laboratory IV –CE Technical Elective –Technical Elective –Engineering Elective
Chemical Civil Computer Industrial Electrical Mechanical EAS 140: Engineering Solutions CE Electives (Courses) n Rheology of fluids n Introduction to polymers n Engineering and process economics n Process analysis and synthesis n Process control n Biochemical engineering n Colloid and surface phenomena n Frontiers of chemical technology
Chemical Civil Computer Industrial Electrical Mechanical EAS 140: Engineering Solutions CE Electives & Programs n Internship, Co-op n Independent Study n NSF REU in Environmentally Benign Processing n BS/MEng dual degree program n BS/MBA program
Chemical Civil Computer Industrial Electrical Mechanical EAS 140: Engineering Solutions CE Program Quality n Student AIChE Design Team –First Place in Northeast –Compete at nationals in November n Most SUNY Chancellor’s Award Winners in EAS –5 of 8 tenured professors n Nationally ranked 29 th n Only CE in SUNY