1 Chapter 1-- Introduction Chapter 2-- Algorithms and Complexity 暨南大學資訊工程系 黃光璿 (Guan-Shieng Huang) 2005/02/21
2 A Rock Game Alice vs Bob Bob can solve 2+2. How about 20+20? Or, ? The rule is: you can remove one rock from each pile or both of them. The player who takes the last rock(s) wins the game.
4 Alice Move first. Had learned Algorithm CSIE
5 Answer If you had learned Finite Automata…
6 What is an Algorithm? Assignment a:=1 b:=a
7 Arithmetic a+b a-b (a+b)*c+a/d
8 Conditional if statement1 then statement2 else statement3
9 for loops for i =1 to 100 do statement
10 while loops while statement1 do statement2
11 Array access a[100] a[a[ i ]]
12 Biological Algorithms vs Computer Algorithms DNA helicase topoisomerase single-strandbinding protein DNA
13 primase DNA polymerase 5’ 3’
14 DNA ligase
16 Correct versus Incorrect Algorithms Soundness 所考慮到的情況都正確的處理 Completeness 考慮到所有可能的情況
17 Recursive Algorithms Tower of Hanoi Problem
20 Iterative versus Recursive Algorithms
24 Fast versus Slow Algorithms
25 Big-O Notation A function f(x) is O(g(x)) if there are positive real constants c and x 0 such that f(x)≤g(x) for all values of x ≧ x 0.
26 Algorithm Design Techniques Exhaustive Search Branch-and-Bound Algorithms Dynamic Programming Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms Machine Learning Randomized Algorithms
27 Tractable versus Intractable Problems polynomial-time solvable problems nondeterministic polynomial-time solvable problems beyond P P vs NP