Studying hadron properties in baryonic matter with HADES „Nuclear matter at High densities” Hirschegg Hirschegg P. Salabura Jagiellonian University/GSI for the HADES collaboration
P.Salabura Study of hadron properties in dense and hot nuclear matter Dense matterFreeze-out 1-2 AGeV HADES case: Probes: dielectrons penetrating probes-direct access to in medium hadron masses : vector mesons ( / e+e-) strangeness production ( , K , ) EOS(see C.Sturm talk), K-N potentials Strategy: Systematic spectroscopy in proton, pion and heavy ion induced reactions T C ~170 MeV BB SIS Nucleus temperature Quark Matter Hadron Resonance Gas Bevelac CERES, NA60 (SPS) T 940 MeV baryon chemical potential thermal freeze out chemical freeze out KEK,JLAB, TAPS PHENIX (RHIC) CBM/FAIR Goal: learn about properties of dense matter in collision zone new forms of matter ? properties of hadrons in matter e+ e- 1
Gross properties of the baryonic matter (from transport models) P.Salabura freeze-out Au+Au 1-2 AGeV : moderate densities but long system life time Baryonic matter: / N = 1-3, T< 80 MeV, ~12-14 fm/c nucleons, baryonic resonances (~30%) 33 mesons(π 0 )~10% “resonance matter” abundances reach maximum at ~2-3 B long lived sources π 0 / decay outside fireball short lived resonances / (c 1.3 fm/c) – absorption (N NN or N Nπ)! dielectron emission over full history of coll…. „ALL – freeze-out”= in-medium Sub-threshold production of heavy mesons : Multi-step processes (K - ), Resonance decays ,N * N / for dielectrons x BR ~10 -4 ! S.Vogel et al. (URQMD) arXiv: v2 E.Bratkovskaya W. Cassing (HSD) 2
Pair excess in URHIC collisions P.Salabura D. Adamova, et al., subm. to PLB, nucl-ex/ large pair excess over yield from the “freeze-out” Main source (not for RHIC !) π + π - e+e-( + - ) in-medium spectral functions What about baryon rich matter? (pion densities 5-6 lower as compared to SPS!) s NN= 17.4 GeV submitted to Phys. Lett.B arXiv:
P.Salabura Pair excess at low energies? Pair excess at low energies? low mass (0.14<M ee < 0.6 GeV/c 2 ) pair 1AGeV ("DLS" puzzle") Calculation: E.L.Bratkovskaya et al. Phys. Lett. B445 (1999) 265 Calculation: Ernst et al. Phys. Rev. C58 (1998) AGeV Calculation: C. Fuchs et al. Phys. Rev. C68 (2003) DLS Data: R.J. Porter et al.: Phys.Rev.Lett. 79 (1997) 1229 Status before HADES era: no explanation for pair excess in light and medium HI systems! 4
Side View START FW 5 High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer Beams from SIS18: pions, protons, nuclei Spectrometer with high invariant mass resolution (2% at / mass) and powerful PID capabilities : p/π/K/e Versatile detector for rear particle decays : dielectrons (e+,e-) strangeness: , K ,0, Geometry Full azimuth, polar angles 18 - 85 e+e- pair acceptance 0.35 ~ channels, segmented solid or LH 2 targets 1 m P.Salabura
6 Experimental campaigns p+p 1.25 GeV (2006) 2.2 GeV (2002) 3.5 GeV (2007) d+p C+C 2.0 AGeV (2002) 1.0 AGeV (2004) 1.25 GeV (2007) Ar+KCl 1.75 GeV (2005) p+Nb 3.5 GeV (2008) p+p „ Anomalous” excess of e+e- pairs in 0.15 < M ee < 0.5 GeV/c 2 NN-Bremsstrahlung and Dalitz decays vector mesons / in-medium p+p Resonance ( ,N * ) production Form-factors and studies of / Dalitz decays (helicity angles) Strangeness: , K ±,0, production in HI P.Salabura
N+NN+N e+e+ e-e- e+e+ e-e- e+e+ e-e- e+e+ e-e- 7 Cocktail A („background”) “long-lived sources at freeze-out” π 0 → e + e - , η → e + e - Dalitz ω → e + e - (direct), ω →e + e - π 0 (dalitz) π 0 / yield fixed by measurement(TAPS) Cocktail B: Cocktail A + Δ + ρ = “short-lived” resonances = “short-lived” resonances Δ → e + e - N (Dalitz decay) – fixed to „freeze-out” abund. N(Δ) =3/2 N( π 0 ) – fixed to „freeze-out” abund. ρ → e + e - (direct) Definition of „pair excess” cocktail: thermal source PLUTO event generator I. Froehlich et al. I. Froehlich et al.,arXiv: Excess – pair yield above A -> medium AND first chance coll. -> medium AND first chance coll P.Salabura
P.Salabura Inclusive e+e- from C+C collisions Inclusive e+e- from C+C collisions A. Agakichiev Phys.Rev. Lett 98(2007) A. Agakichiev Phys. Lett. B 663 (2008) 43 NORMALIZATION: N ± from the same data sample (M ee )~9% at M ee ~0.8 GeV/c 2 syst. error (27%) syst. error (21%) 8
P.Salabura Beam energy dependence of the excess enhancement scales like pions ! enhancement scales like pions ! Baryon resonance decays? N-N bremsstrahlung? Baryon resonance decays? N-N bremsstrahlung? 0.3( sys) F(2.0) = 1.9 ± 0.2(stat) ± 0.3(sys) ± 0.3( sys) 2.0( sys) F(1.0) = 6.8 ± 0.6(stat) ± 1.3(sys) ± 2.0( sys) TAPS TAPS collab. Z.Phys. A 359 (1997) 65 Phys.Rev. C 56 (1997) R2920 9
P.Salabura N-N Bremsstrahlung E.L. Bratkovskaya and W. Cassing arXiv: v1 NN ("quasielastic")-non resonant Strong + electromagnetic process (OBE models) 1 2 e+ e- + = resonant -baryon resonances ( ) collection of results from E.L Bratkovskaya & W. Cassing: Nucl.Phys A 807, 214 (2008). bremsstrahlung OBE calculations: Kaptari & Kämpfer, NPA 764 (2006) 338: K&K OBE calculation: pn bremsstrahlung 4 larger (simplified picture!) 10
P.Salabura Comparison with up-to-date HSD M [GeV/c²] HSD: E.L. Bratkovskaya and W. Cassing Nucl.Phys A 807, 214 (2008). New treatment of Bremsstrahlung: L.P. Kaptari and B. Kämpfer, Nucl.Phys. A 764 (2006) 338 DLS Data: R.J. Porter et al. Phys.Rev.Lett. 79 (1997) 1229 M [GeV/c²] Does Δ and Bremsstrahlung explain excess? verification in NN collisions is needed 11
Reference reaction: dielectrons from pp and “quasi-free” 1.25 AGeV P.Salabura Model Calculations: a) NN-bremsstrahlung Kaptari & Kämpfer (K&K) b) , yield constraint by data. Dalitz decay Krivoruchenko et al. Phys. Rev. D 65 (2001) VMD form-factor (Q. Wan and F. Iachello, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 20 (2005) 1846) pn data are not described by calculations ! 12
13 1 AGeV – pp & 1.25 GeV Dielectron spectrum from C+C given as superposition of NN collisions ! no indications for in-medium effects ! (at least for C+C ) What about larger systems ? spectra normalized to 0 yield in C+C and NN Absolute scale: 1 AGeV /A part = ± (A)GeV /A part but for 1.00 (A)GeV /A part P.Salabura
AGeV 1.75 AGeV 15 centrality : LVL1 = 3.5 fm Number of participating nucl. 38.5 ±4 Thermal source model Transport (HSD) N =3/2 N 0 for propagation in matter accounted estimate of at freeze-out (much larger yield) m T scaling NN bremsstrahlung : not important at this energy PRELIMINARY E.L. Bratkovskaya and W. Cassing Nucl.Phys A 807, 214 (2008) P.Salabura
Excess vs beam energy and system size 15 Excess scales with (A part ) , >1 (~2) multistep processes? NN->N , ->N , N-> Resonance radiation is the dominant source of e+e- yield! PRELIMINARY A part dependence need more studies : 1 AGeV vs 1AGeV (2010) 1.93 AGeV – dilepton mass dependence inclusive meson production (TAPS data) (min. bias) e+e- pair excess HADES DLS ArkCl = 19 vs. CC = P.Salabura
P.Salabura Vector mesons in medium 16
Vector mesons in medium P.Salabura Na60: R. Arnaldi et al., PRL 96 (2006) calculations: H. van Heesand R. Rapp, PRL 99 (2006) , R. Rapp, J. WambachEPJA 6 (1999) 415 CERES D. Adamova et al. nucl-ex/ SPS energies : broadening due to interactions with hadronic medium (baryons are more important !) What is the situation at lower energies? No unique evidence for in medium modifications from p+A or +A reactions (CLAS/KEK/CBTAPS) 17
Vector mesons / at SIS p+p at 3.5 GeV PRELIMINARY Ar+ 38 KCl 1.75 AGeVp+ 92 Nb 3.5 GeV “on-line spectrum!” Data are available! No quick answer to the question on in-medium / spectral function ! Only comprehensive analysis (in progress) of the pp/p+A/and A+A can give full picture resonance contribution?
What is K-N potential ? P.Salabura K + potential seems to be slightly repulsive -> confirmed also by K 0 pt distributions) Precise data on K - /K 0 flow can be provided by FOPI, HADES (2009,2010) 18
K - Production at SIS energies K - Production in HI reactions Similar scaling of K + and K - Mesons as a function of A part correlated production via strangeness-exchange or Strangeness Exchange? belived to be dominant (KAOS data) non-resonant resonant ( ->K + K - ) important to clarify for prediction of in-medium effects on K ± production ( rates, flow phenomena) sub-threshold in NN (E threshold 2.6 GeV) ! secondary reactions (in-medium) B.Kampfer et. al Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 28 (2002) 2133–2136, P.Salabura
K + K -, differential production rates P.Salabura for the first time measured in the same (large) acceptance /K - =0.34 0.13 ~17% K - comes from ! … but there is also non-resonant part! M =1017,8 ± 0.9 MeV/c 2 = 6.2 MeV/c 2 20
K-/ ratio P.Salabura Statistical model K. Redlich, H. Oeschler-priv.comm For NN at threshold /K - = 1.02±0.1 ANKE coll. PHYS. REV. C 77, (2008) /K - in Ar+KCl is ~ 3 smaller -> more K - thanks to medium (i.e strangeness exchange ) … but reactions of the type NN->NN and NN->NNK + K - (non-resonat) is important,too ! Agreement with Kaon systematics 21
P.Salabura 22 Outlook: future exp. Upgrade RPC, DAQ, MDC1, EM Calorimeter (for SIS100) 2008/9/10 Hades goes to FAIR ( 8 AGeV) > 2013 (SIS100) 2011 + N, + A resonance ( , N * ) radiative decays, strangeness 2010 Ni + Au+Au dielectrons ( / ), strangeness (K - K + ) SIS18 increase of Mul( / ) by 2 orders of magnitue !! CBM HADES
P.Salabura Outlook and summary: Radiation from nuclear matter at 1-2 AGeV : at low energy ( 1 AGeV) first chance NN colisions are important source of pairs (pn- bremsstrahlung? strong isospin effect pp vs pn!) small systems (i.e C+C) can be described by superposition of NN collisions for larger systems (i.e Ar+KCl) and larger energies strong contribution from „resonance matter”” ( ) visible with non-linear A part dependence In medium masses strong (broadenning) modification of meson spectral function at SPS energies vector mesons observed for a first time at SIS/Bevalac energy regime / region measured with good precision – possibility to search for in-medium modifications of v.m. spectral functions K - in medium mass accessible only via indirect observables (flow,rates)- reaction mechanism must be known accurately (strangeness exchange) Outlook > HI collisions (Au+Au/Ni+Ni) at SIS18 and pion physics > HADES at FAIR Conference
P.Salabura26 The Collaboration GSI SIS Catania (INFN - LNS), Italy Cracow (Univ.), Poland Darmstadt (GSI), Germany Dresden (FZD), Germany Dubna (JINR), Russia Frankfurt (Univ.), Germany Giessen (Univ.), Germany Milano (INFN, Univ.), Italy München (TUM), Germany Moscow (ITEP,MEPhI,RAS), Russia Nicosia (Univ.), Cyprus Orsay (IPN), France Rez (CAS, NPI), Czech Rep. Sant. de Compostela (Univ.), Spain Valencia (Univ.), Spain Coimbra (Univ.), LIP, Portugal
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