26 Jan Lane Carlson, Charles Kessel Mark Tillack, Farrokh Najmabadi ARIES-Pathways Project Meeting San Diego, CA Jan 26-27, 2011 Needful Systems Code Modifications
26 Jan Overview ASC has undergone many error corrections and modifications. Laila’s comments on Oct strawmen addressed. Verification of internal algorithms, hardwired numbers, power fractions, comments to code nearly complete. Continuing to update documentation and track changes. Last meeting’s actions items completed: Output formatting cleaned up, included radial builds Included He systems, costing for DCLL blanket New pumping power models implementation Note: all comments on costing, volumes, etc. are comparing the aggressive strawman case, ACT
26 Jan Input Needed, Received WaganerNew fabrications costs, algorithms, updated GDP El-GuebalyASC output formatting, NWL distribution, core radiation TillackMHD, DCLL blanket pumping power correlations RognlienEdge power flows KesselRevised physics scans Wang, BurkeDivertor pumping power correlations
26 Jan Needful error corrections & modifications to the systems code Mod #, date, Error correction or modification Lines of code affected Person responsible for input Status - complete, in progress, or pending Notes
26 Jan Laila’s comments on strawmen from last meeting have been addressed Radial build now included Volumes were missing 16x factor VVx16 = 269 m^3 (was 16.8) BCyl = 39.8, OK, confirmed by hand calc from CAD PF coils total = 53 (was 3.3) Cryodome = 1088 (65) … ARIES-ACT volumes for 1/16 th of torus? Yes Masses? Yes, OK VV volume includes side walls of ports? Yes Shield volume includes penetration shield? No, TBD PF coil volume includes spares? Not in vol, only in cost, 14 spares
26 Jan Addressing Laila’s comments continued Costs: Account 22 power core equipment now 1.46 B$ (was 2.1) Bucking cylinder was erroneously multiplied by 16. Cost is now 30.7 M$ (538) aggr case Uppercap = 3.5 M$ (was 59) lowercap = 2.1 M$ (35) cryodome = 9 M$ (144) VV ok = 232 M$ Plasma confinement, acct = 497 (1040) Cryostat, acct = 144 (158) Special materials: Code now incorporates the 2.5x factor to account for Pb-Li in plumbing and outer loop outside fusion power core With correction, 27.0 account now = 144M$ ACT (was 58) Total Mass of Liquid Coolant (DCLL, none in divertor) = (AT was 5269 tonnes)
26 Jan Addressing Laila’s comments continued Recirculating Power: Code now incorporates 63 MW Paux (50) Cryo is still separate. Using 2 MW for low temp SC. Current drive power (unchanged) We are working on refining pumping powers for divertor and blanket designs. COE: ACT aggr = 62.0 mills/kWh (2009$), (was 70.28)
26 Jan Check P_recirculation (aggressive case) P_recirc = 232 MW * Blanket and divertor pumping powers have been refined (DCLL). * MW
26 Jan Strawmen ASC aggr $M Strawmen ASC vol (m^3) 16x removed on cost $M Vol (m^3)ARIES- AT $M ARIES- AT vol (m^3) Bucking cylinder (OK, verified w/ CAD) 30.7 (was redundant 16x) 39.8 (OK)~ <20~25 Upper cap (OK)~ <20~ <10 Lower cap (OK)~ <20~ <10 Cryo dome (verified w CAD) -- 16x multiplier is currently used to break all the components into slices between the 16 TF coils - difficult to track! LCC comments on some volumes and costs
26 Jan Vacuum Vessel Volume Where is the split between “main” and “outboard” volume? VacuumVesselMain = VacuumVesselOutboard = Total Vacuum Vessel:
26 Jan Plasma surface area erroneously included divertor surface areas Plasma surface area was FW + div surface area = 696 m 2 Now, plasma surface area is plasma surface area = 497 m 2 NWL becomes more realistic = 3.1 MW/m 2 (2.2)
26 Jan Neutron power distribution, power balance Old f_geo_div overestimated power flow into divertor (~27%) From Laila, 10% Pn deposited in divertor, 25% in IB blanket, 65% in OB blanket (A=4) Power balance sanity check and visualization underway (Tillack) 10% 25%65%PnPn
26 Jan Pumping Powers - Divertors Prior pumping power was divided 50:50 between blanket and divertors for SiC. Now we are implementing more fidelity (Wang, Burke). Ppower for divertor designs now include: Plate, no fins T-tube Finger Capability > 5 MW/m 2 ASC limits use to data range given
26 Jan Pumping Powers - DCLL Blanket Includes: He pumping power in FW/blanket Detailed MHD pumping power for Pb-Li in blanket (details Tillack) ASC limits use to data range given Blanket thermal = Pn*M+FW Prad
26 Jan Les’s new costing, GDP, algorithms Modified inflation factors after new GDP effective Nov with 2005 year basis. Costing algorithm updates mainly in: 21.0 Structures and site facilities Main heat transfer and transport 23.0 New turbine generator plant equipment costs OLD c_23[0] = e6*(P_elec_gross/1200) 0.83 NEW c_23[0] = 360e6*(P_thermal_gross/2000 )0.8 *(eta_brayton/0.6) Some material costing questions updated and gaps in data cleared up. New costing for high-purity Helium added, $70/kg. Lower cost of LiPb (90% enriched) is significant $8.8/kg (22.6) 2009$
26 Jan P_thermal Code erroneously used P_thermal total (FWBS + div) in pumping power calculations without distinction. Working to implement recoverable thermal heat from MHD liquid-metal and He pumps. Different pump efficiencies for He (90%) & LM MHD pump (40%). LM MHD pumps have low pumping efficiency (~40%) but up to 80% of thermal heat imparted to fluid through pumping and pressure drop can be recovered (Tillack, Morley). For aggr case, P_pump_blanket = 13.3 MW, 33.3 MW wall-plug req’d, 26.6 MW recoverable. With thermal-to-elec efficiency ~50%, overall P_pump_blanket = MW. Helps P_net_electric = MW (was )
26 Jan Systems Code Flow Chart (medium detail) Working on detailed flow chart of engineering module
26 Jan Summary & Future Work Multiple errors corrected, modifications implemented. Fixed errors revealed in Oct strawmen. Continuing documentation. Finish correcting known errors still requiring attention. Once final corrections have been made, “lock” the revision number and run physics cases. Provide final strawmen after ASC overhaul.
26 Jan Systems Code Modifications NOTE: See “ASC Legend 18.xls” #ModificationValue beforeValue after