GOES-13 Striping The GOES-13 Sounder now shows much more striping than GOES-12 in some bands, for example band 7 (12 um). The striping is seen in both.


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Presentation transcript:

GOES-13 Striping The GOES-13 Sounder now shows much more striping than GOES-12 in some bands, for example band 7 (12 um). The striping is seen in both GVAR count and radiance space (and brightness temperature). This level of striping can affect products. Jim Nelson Don Hillger Tim Schmit

Both images are shown in their native projections.

IMGLIST A Image file directory listing for:A G-12 SND 9 NOV :46: G-13 SND 9 NOV :46: IMGLIST: done LINESTAT TYPE=RAD # (GOES-12) #DECT AVG VAR BAND NLINES MIN MAX LINESTAT TYPE=RAD # (GOES-13) #DECT AVG VAR BAND NLINES MIN MAX Radiance-space Note the larger spread of GOES-13 AVG (average) values

IMGLIST A Image file directory listing for:A G-12 SND 9 NOV :46: G-13 SND 9 NOV :46: IMGLIST: done LINESTAT # (GOES-12) # DECT AVG VAR BAND NLINES MIN MAX LINESTAT # (GOES-13) # DECT AVG VAR BAND NLINES MIN MAX Brightness Temperature-space

GOES-12 Native Projection Sounder DPI of TPW

GOES-13 Native Projection Sounder DPI of TPW