Designing Maps GTECH361 Lecture 14
Cartographic Design Principles Audience and purpose Size, scale, and media Visual balance
Audience and Purpose
Size, Scale and Media
Visual Balance
Elements of a Map Map body Legend Title Scale North arrow (inset map)
Other Elements of a Map Source of data Map projection Author Date Neatline Graphs, tables, images, informative text..leading towards a poster
Map Templates
Layer Transparency
Labels and Annotation..more later today
Reference System Graticule ºN/S, ºE/W Measured grid X, Y Reference grid 12B or 14G
Map Layout Templates again
Working With Labels Types Priorities Feature weight Scale Map Extent Label classes Label expressions
Point Labels Labels for the cities are offset both vertically and horizontally to draw at the upper left of the features
Line Labels
Polygon Labels
Label Priorities Default Point > Line > Polygon Feature label weights
Scale Dependency
Labels and Map Extent Label Position Labels Scale Labels Affected Locked labelsStaticYesIn 'locked' extent Dynamic labels and reference scale DynamicYesIn data frame
Non-uniform Labels Label classes
Label Expressions VBScript or JavaScript [NAME] & vbNewLine & [AREA] & " Sq Km“
Annotations Super-Labels Can be stored in their own geodatabase class
Importing Annotations From labels From Arc/Info coverage annotation Similar to address matching Creates tables of unplaced annotations Can be individually placed and edited
Annotation Groups
Descriptive Text in ArcGIS