Chapter 131 Applets and HTML Chapter 13
2 Reminders Project 8 due Dec 10:30 pm Project 6 regrades due by midnight tonight –Submit all files (including your exception classes) Nothing scheduled for CS180 next week: –No lectures –No labs –No recitations –No discussion groups
Chapter 133 Introduction Applets are simply Java programs designed to run from a document (page) on the World Wide Web. HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the language used to create Web documents.
Chapter 134 Introduction to Applets An applet is a “small application” or a “little Java program.” Applets are Java programs that are typically displayed on a Website and viewed over the Internet. An applet can also be run as a stand-alone program on a computer which is not connected to the Internet.
Chapter 135 Applet Basics An applet is a derived class of class JApplet which is a class in the Swing library. When writing an applet, it is a good idea to include all of the following: import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*;
Chapter 136 Adding Icons to an Applet An icon typically is a small picture. By placing the icon in a JLabel, the icon is displayed. A JLabel can consist of text, an icon, or both. A JButton or JMenuItem can also have an icon.
Chapter 137 Adding Icons to an Applet, cont. class DukeApplet
Chapter 138 Adding Icons to an Applet, cont.
Chapter 139 Introduction to HTML Documents to be read on the Web or using a Web browser typically are expressed in a language called HTML. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. Hypertext contains links (or hyperlinks) which permit you to go to other documents. Intro to HTML: t/WWW/HTMLPrimer.html
Chapter 1310 HTML Basics, cont. HTML is not case sensitive.,,, are all the same… An HTML file is a regular text file that you create and edit with a text editor. HTML files should end with.html or.htm Commands such as and form a “container” (in this case a table container).
Chapter 1311 HTML Basics, cont.
Chapter 1312 Displaying the Most Current Version of a Document While you are developing an HTML page, you can display the most recent version of the page by clicking the button labeled Reload (or perhaps Refresh). Otherwise, for efficiency, the browser may access an earlier copy of the page.
Chapter 1313 Displaying a Picture A picture can be inserted into an HTML document using example The picture can be in any directory, but the path name, either full or relative, leading to the picture must be provided.
Chapter 1314 Placing an Applet in an HTML Document To display the adder window created by class AdderApplet, place the following command in an HTML document: (Actually “.class” is optional. code=“AdderApplet” works just as well)
Chapter 1315 Placing an Applet in an HTML Document, cont. This command assumes that the HTML file and the file AdderApplet.class are in the same directory. –Otherwise, a relative or absolute path name to AdderApplet.class is needed.
Chapter 1316 Applet in an HTML Document,
Chapter 1317 Placing an Applet in an HTML Document, cont.
Chapter 1318 Using an Old Web Browser A Web browser must be set up to run applets. Web browsers do not use the same Java interpreter used to run Java applications. Older Web browsers (yours or someone else’s who may want to view your HTML document) may not be able to run applets from an HTML document.
Chapter 1319 Using an Old Web Browser, cont. Furthermore, Java updates for browsers typically lag core Java language updates. Using the older Applet class sometimes can remedy the problem. These problems do not exist if you are running applets from the applet viewer using a recent version of Java.
Chapter 1320 The Older Applet Class To use the older Applet class instead of the JApplet class –remove the J s from JApplet, JButton, JLabel, etc. (that is, use Applet, Button, Label ) –use the following import statements import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.*;
Chapter 1321 The Older Applet Class, cont. –you do not need import javax.swing.*; –add components to the applet to itself rather than using a content pane (whatever was done to the content pane of a JApplet should be done directly to the Applet ).
Chapter 1322 The Older Applet Class, cont. –example: substitute add(friendlyLabel); for getContentPane().add(friendlyLabel); Furthermore, class Applet cannot accommodate icons easily.
Chapter 1323 Applets and Security Your applet is a program that may be run on someone else’s computer. Worse, someone else’s applet might be run on your computer! Furthermore, you don’t know that an HTML page contains an applet until you load it into your browser, and then it is too late to reject the applet; it is already stored on your computer.
Chapter 1324 Applets and Security, cont. Someone else’s program running on your computer creates serious security concerns. –Will it leave a virus? –Will it alter your files or read confidential information? –Will it corrupt your operating system? Applets cannot do any of these things (at least not easily).
Chapter 1325 Applets and Security, cont. Applets cannot run your programs, nor can they read from or write to files on your computer (unless the applet originated on your computer).
Chapter 1326 Summary You have learned how to write applets. You have learned to write a simple HTML document. You have learned how to embed an applet in an HTML document.