Coral Reefs of Costa Rica


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Presentation transcript:

Coral Reefs of Costa Rica How Pollution Affects the Coral Reefs

Costa Rican Coral Reefs

What is a coral? A “coral” is actually a “coral colony” Rocky limestone base Surface is covered by thousands of tiny coral animals, called “polyps” Polyps are filled with microscopic algae

Anatomy of a coral polyp Each polyp looks like a tiny sea anemone Ring of stinging tentacles around a central mouth Rests in a “cup” on the surface of the colony Where is the coral skeleton?

What do corals eat? Like a sea anemone, the polyp can capture small prey (mostly zooplankton) with its tentacles Also get nutrition from a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae….

What are zooxanthellae? Algae that live in the coral polyp’s surface layer Algae get nutrients and a safe place to grow Corals get oxygen and help with waste removal Corals also get most of their food from the algae

Benefits of Coral Reefs Fish live in the coral. Protects coastal area from storms and hurricanes. Remove toxins from the water. Recreation for humans.

What turns the coral white? Healthy coral with algae Bleached coral with no algae - As a stress response, corals expel the symbiotic zooxanthellae from their tissues - The coral tissue is clear, so you see the white limestone skeleton underneath

What can stress a coral? Pollution Bacteria High turbidity from coastal runoff, cruise ships, or hurricanes High & Cold water temperatures Poll answer before this

Examples of Damage to Reefs Anchors Humans Cruise Ships Pollution

Corals can begin to recover after a few weeks Can corals recover? Corals may eventually regain color by repopulating their zooxanthellae Algae may come from the water column Or they may come from reproduction of the few cells that remain in the coral Corals can begin to recover after a few weeks

What Can We Do To Help? Stop Pollution Protect Reefs From Damage By Humans Create Artificial Reefs

Artificial Reefs Reef Balls are positioned to create an artificial reef. Coral starts to grow and fish move in. A new reef begins to form.

Healthy Reefs Again

Fish Tank Project Create your own artificial reef in the classroom.

Clinton Lake Project Water source is the Wakarusa river Located 1 mile West of Lawrence, KS Built to help with flood control Constructed and operated by Army Corps of Engineers

What we get from lakes Recreation Boating, fishing, swimming, camping, hiking Habitats for marine life and water fowl Water supply Flood control

How we damage Clinton Lake Littering Fish waste Agriculture Run-off Contaminates from Storm Sewers Air Pollution

How can we make a difference? Don’t throw any thing in the water. Don’t put trash the land by the water. Reduce the amount of harmful chemicals used in and around your house. Pick-up trash along roads that may wash into rivers and streams.