Critical Design Review Colorado State University - Pueblo April 15, 2005
Mission Description Deploy rover upon landing autonomously Deploy rover upon landing autonomously Rover must be automated Rover must be automated –Move outside of box autonomously –Drive at least 5ft and image landing site autonomously –Sense obstacles and maneuver around them Meet weight specifications Meet weight specifications
Mission Goals and NASA Benefits Meet all mission objectives Finalize all designs Schematics Circuitry Dimensioning Construction Build a prototype Run vigorous tests Stay within: Budget Weight Time
System Requirements Automated deployment box Automated deployment box –Must open upon landing Autonomous Rover Autonomous Rover –Navigate autonomously around landing site taking images of surroundings
System Overview Three Momentary Switches Two High heat resistors: To burn fishing line Springs open box PIC16f84 Two IR sensor IC motor driver Two MINI Stepper Motors Relay Circuit Camera
Schematic of Box
3D model
Rover Subsystem Interfaces IC stepper motor driver IC stepper motor driver IR sensors IR sensors PIC microcontroller PIC microcontroller Camera relay circuit Camera relay circuit
Motor Control
Camera Relay
Prototyping Automated Box Prototype Automated Box Prototype –Foam board for walls –Dowel rod frame –Saw blades for springs –Fishing line Automated Rover Automated Rover –Erector set rover and/or RC car –Stepper motors –Various gears and drive trains –Sensor operations
System Interfaces PIC PIC –Assembly encoded –Receives momentary switch on Turn onboard circuitry on Turn onboard circuitry on Send signal to motor controller to move forward Send signal to motor controller to move forward –Receives IR input No signal do nothing No signal do nothing Signal reverse and turn, then go forward Signal reverse and turn, then go forward –Camera Delay subroutine for timing Delay subroutine for timing Trigger the relay circuit Trigger the relay circuit –Takes the picture IR sensors IR sensors –Analog output signal –To PIC analog to digital converter Motor controller Motor controller –Sends voltage from power supply to motors
Mass Budget Items Mass (g) Stepper motors/gear boxes 127 Rover frame/wheels 250 Box200 Springs50 Circuit board 100 Safety spool line 75 Batters (two x 9 volt) 80 Wires20 Camera250 Momentary switches 90 Total1245
Money Budget ITEMS Cost ($) Infrared Detector X Infrared Emitter Diode (GaAs) X IC,STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER X 2 Jameco #: MOTOR,STEP,7VDC/20ohms UNIPOLAR,S/A X 2 Jameco #: Fishing line 5.99 Foam Board Relay4.75 Copper Boards Camera, Material for car, wires, PIC, Batteries Provided Total cost 75.17
Project Organization David Gooding Chief Electronics Engineer Erik Andersen Mechanical Structure and Materials Engineer Matt Elsner Assembly Code Programmer Anna Vigil Automated Box Designer and Tester Augustine Trujillo Circuitry Designer and Tester
Schedule DateTask April Box prototype and testing May 6-8 Rover and Circuit Board Parts ordering May 8-15 Implementing Circuit Board Design May Testing and Programming PIC microcontroller with sensors May 25 to June 1 Testing motors with IC controllers via PIC Assembly encoding June 1-10 Construct Rover June Implement circuit to Rover June 15 to July 25 Addition changes and Testing