Pacific Leaders Graduate Student Fellowship
“The research these graduate students are conducting will give us insight into some of the biggest challenges and opportunities ever to face our province. We’re investing in developing researchers whose work with the public service will be vital to our province’s economic prosperity and social health, and in new knowledge and ideas that will strengthen B.C. for decades to come.” Premier Gordon Campbell
Program Information Up to 20 Fellowships offered to students in full time master’s or doctoral programs Studying at UVIC, UBC, UNBC or SFU Fellows will receive $20,000 for each year of graduate studies up to two years Fellows must agree to work for the B.C. Public Service once degree is completed
Eligibility Requirements A- average (as assessed by your university) for the last two years of studies (or equivalent) B.C. resident attending one of the four universities Registered in the final full-time year or the final two full-time years of either a master’s or doctorate degree NOT pursuing a degree program combining undergraduate and graduate studies
Eligibility Requirements (Con’t) Agree to work for the B.C. Public Service after degree is completed Application must be submitted before 4:30pm October 31st to the Dean of Graduate Studies at your university Awards will be announced in early Spring Fellowships are awarded for studies commencing in the May, September or January academic term following the announcement of the results
Items to Submit Application form fillable on-line A personal statement Resume Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended A photocopy of birth certificate or other documents that verify citizenship, landed immigrant or protected person status Two reference letters Departmental evaluation
Personal Statement A maximum of 750 words explaining reasons you want to study as a Pacific Leaders Fellow Highlight any experiences that show you can adapt your studies to the needs of the public service you are willing to share with or learn from others in the public service, and you will be able to act in a knowledgeable leadership role in the public service
Selection Process After October 31 st, Graduate Studies will review the applications and forward those which best fit the criteria to StudentAid BC by December 21 st These will be evaluated through an internal selection process by discipline-related Ministry representatives/adjudication panel members A resulting short-list will have the names of those applicants to be interviewed by the adjudication panels Those recommended by the adjudication panel will be offered the fellowship award
Interview – approximately 1 hour Includes: A 15 minute presentation on your research, and program of study Answer questions related to your research, and to your work experience Be prepared to discuss how you see your research being translated into public policy Answer a pre-viewed question regarding a particular human resource competency (eg. Teamwork and Cooperation, or Flexibility, or Leadership) Answer any other questions as may be posed
Awarding Letters to award winners will be sent out from the Premier’s office Biographies might be written for fellows in preparation for a press release (if there is one) Signed letter of agreement The award monies will be sent to the institutions to be administered by the Faculties of Graduate Studies
Terms and Conditions (Letter of Agreement) The terms and conditions of the award are administered by the BC Public Service Agency Students commit to work with the BC Public Service upon graduation Ministry sponsors and the BC Public Service Agency will facilitate suitable employment Fellows graduating this fall have been offered employment with the BC Public Service BC Public Service has over 200 diverse career streams in 280 different communities