Slide 1 Anthony Affolder US Silicon Meeting, March 9, 2004 Equipment Status ARCS equipment status à Single module and 4 hybrid DAQ equipment status à Vienna box, Single rod, Multi-rod Needed Spares à Mostly power supplies
Slide 2 Anthony Affolder US Silicon Meeting, March 9, 2004 ARCS equipment-modules (UCSB) UCSB need 1 DEPP and 1 LED board for 3 rd module stand à Should ship next week (LED system 2 months away) UCSB also needs to rotate the 3 ARCS controllers here with 3 with new firmware à Otherwise, false problems found –Bad MUX in fast test –High noise channels in noise –Low injection channels in Pinhole/Cal Injection Test à Should ship next week DEPP boards all inject noise into system à Sending 3 TOB modules to Aachen for DEPP debug à Need to use Keithley until problem fixed –New order of Keithley needed
Slide 3 Anthony Affolder US Silicon Meeting, March 9, 2004 ARCS equipment-hybrids (UCSB) UCSB 4 hybrid thermal cycler functional Critical equipment (spares) à Old ARCS controllers (Correct trigger stuffing) –No old spares, but new ARCS boards maybe stuffed correctly à NIM components –Spares of all modules in-hand –A spare NIM crate would be good à Peltier Power Supply –Need to order spare from CERN Electrics Pool à Peltier element –In hand à Coolie Box –1 spare in US in hand by next week
Slide 4 Anthony Affolder US Silicon Meeting, March 9, 2004 ARCS equipment-modules (FNAL) All 4 stands fully operational à Use DEPP boards- Do you see same problem? Which version of firmware in ARCS controllers? à With new firmware delay between clock and ARC ADC clock 2-3 ns à With old firmware delay closer to 7-8 ns à Need to send back all ARCS controllers with old firmware for upgrade Are DEPP boards injecting noise into system? à Causes higher noise in opens and sensor edges à 2 Keithley HV supplies on site sufficient back up
Slide 5 Anthony Affolder US Silicon Meeting, March 9, 2004 ARCS equipment-hybrids (FNAL) 4 hybrid thermal cycler functional Critical equipment (spares) à Old ARCS controllers (Correct trigger stuffing) –Lenny indicate FNAL has at least one additional old controllers à NIM components –Spares of all modules and crate in-hand à Peltier Power Supply –Need to order spare from CERN Electrics Pool à Peltier element –Did we order this??? à Coolie Box –1 spare in US by next week
Slide 6 Anthony Affolder US Silicon Meeting, March 9, 2004 ARCS equipment-hybrids (Mexico) 4 hybrid thermal cycler in assembly All ARCS equipment in hand next week Critical equipment (spares) à Old ARCS controllers (Correct trigger stuffing) –No spares on site, will have to be sent by UCSB/FNAL à NIM components –Spares of all modules in-hand –NEED NIM CRATE + SPARE à Peltier Power Supply –Need to order supply + spare from CERN Electrics Pool à Peltier element –Need to order spare
Slide 7 Anthony Affolder US Silicon Meeting, March 9, 2004 Vienna Box (FNAL & UCSB) Both Vienna Boxes operational à UCSB Peltier power supply is having switching problem (see below) à Enough adapter boards in-hand to make second set of cold plates –UCSB needs ~10 TEC adapter boards for cold box Should be delivered next week Critical equipment à All spare DAQ equipment in hand except: –No spares for eMUX components Will order 1 spare set of each component as US spare pool –TPO Can take from single rod stand if needed (Will need 3 FED per single rod stand w/o TPO)
Slide 8 Anthony Affolder US Silicon Meeting, March 9, 2004 Vienna Box (FNAL & UCSB) Critical equipment à Peltier power supply –Both sites have had fuse housing melt and UCSB supply is not switching correctly –Ordered spare power supply per site (Delivery in 2 months) à LV Power supply –UCSB had high current Leader power supply overheat, replaced with Agilent PS for single rods –Need to order spare Agilent PS (E3633A) for each site Should I do this?
Slide 9 Anthony Affolder US Silicon Meeting, March 9, 2004 Rod Test Stands All DAQ equipment in hand except for: à TPO-like object –Both multi-rod stands need this + spares No idea when this will arrive à Electrometer –No clear if we will ever get this –Should we try to find acceptable multi-channel nano-anameter Need to run stands to see weak points à Potential problems –DELPHI PS failures –MUX failures –oFED/oFEC failure à Not clear if spares are sufficient (or if we even have all we need) until stands operational
Slide 10 Anthony Affolder US Silicon Meeting, March 9, 2004 Total Equipment Needed (Not Already En-route) 3 NIM Crates 4 Peltier PS 2 Peltier Elements At least 4 TPO-like objects 2 Agilent E3633A PS At least 1 Keithley PS 4 Electrometers (or equivalent) eMUX spares