The Catholic Response The Church’s reaction to Dan Brown’s Proposal in The Da Vinci Code Presentation by Jeff Murphy
Introduction Who was Jesus and Mary Magdalene? Was the early Church corrupt? Has the Church been lying to its followers? Brown’s sources Conspiracy theorists No Catholic sources
Who was Jesus? Gnostic Gospels Constantine Council of Nicaea Human or Divine? Was He married?
The Dispute over Mary Magdalene Royal Blood A Prostitute? Pope Gregory Saint Mary Magdalene A significant role in Scripture
History of the Church “So dark the con of man” Selling indulgences Catholic Inquisition
The Malleus Maleficarum
Canonicity A fax from heaven? Constantine A.D Marcion vs. Gnostics Council of Laodicea A.D. 363 Council of Hippo A.D. 393
Conclusion “We may never know the truth.” Fact, fiction, and faith. Don’t believe everything you read!