It’s Dinosaur Time Paul Taylor 2010. Steering your Creative Genius D*tL0AVemNTqDU3iJdpcOuEZokt1hM3i6-ep3oJnSh7-EoP9Bj6**UF-


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Presentation transcript:

It’s Dinosaur Time Paul Taylor 2010

Steering your Creative Genius D*tL0AVemNTqDU3iJdpcOuEZokt1hM3i6-ep3oJnSh7-EoP9Bj6**UF- f3W6bgJT/koendemuynck4.jpg

This is about preserving your creative ideas. There are people you will work with who want to kill new ideas The next few slides are derived from Chris Crawford’s POV An Opinionative piece, no less I warned you...

Filtering Your Ideas Most ideas are BAD – How do we figure out which ones are good? /images/00PlushDinosaurs.jpg

The Solution /images/00PlushDinosaurs.jpg /04/10/eichner1969.gif

The solution is to set a Tyrannosaurus Rex loose in your mind Let it chase all of those fat little tasty ideas – You want it to prey on the weak, attack the good, all with wanton abandon. – Only the best of your ideas will survive, already hardened for the climate they are about to be born into...

Run! /25/business/mgmt.span.jpg /images/00PlushDinosaurs.jpg

Why don’t we save them all? Would you rather your ideas be killed off: – in your mind – Be shredded by others – Fail in development or.... – Fail in the marketplace – Game Over Man!

2 Ways to Tame Your T-Rex /images/00PlushDinosaurs.jpg content/uploads/2009/01/whip.jpg

#1 - Keep your T-Rex to Yourself Chris Crawford: “Some people just don’t generate many ideas to start with, so they tend to cherish what few ideas they generate; it’s pathetic. When they foist their miserable little ideas on me, my inner Tyrannosaurus jumps up and down gleefully, eager to masticate the plump little baby ideas.” -p104 CC on game design-

#2 - Don’t let your T-Rex Take Over! Just because you need to let your bad ideas be eaten by the T-Rex, don’t forget to rescue the good ones! Perhaps it was only half mauled by your T-Rex – You may find a teammate who can heal that poor idea’s broken leg

Road Trip Time.... Navigating the Corporate World dinosaur-mummy _625x352.jpg

Navigating your Company Whilst steering your baby idea through the company you’ll encounter many problems These come from the beasts know as the ‘Executivasaurus’ These monsters have the power and will to devour your ideas.

Executivasaurus Marketensis This beast demands that your game be: – Just like last years $50 billion dollar hit!! Then it will scream – Only make it different!! You must convince the beast that your game is both – exactly the same as EA’s newest game – and totally better!

Executivasaurus Financialis E. Financialis will demand: – You must build the game for pennies (preferably for free) and – The game must be built on the latest and best technology there is -Convincing this monster your baby is viable is going to be an interesting ride arwars-walker-2.jpg?w=455&h=253

Executivasaurus Presidentens The overlord of the Executivasaurus, this bad-ass will: Implant it’s tiny egg in your baby idea – Then wait and watch the egg suck the life out of your idea – If successful it will take your idea, subsuming and claiming it – If it fails E.P. devours the idea You will take the fall too! 35x135,white.v3.jpg

That’s the end of the Prehistoric Journey I hope you all get a leash on your own T-Rex and manage to avoid the wrath of the Executivasaurus!!