Breakout group C1 Monica Nicolescu Maja Matarić Gunter Niemeyer Benjamin Kuipers Warren Dixon Jill Drury Jana Koseka Brian Scassellati.


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Presentation transcript:

Breakout group C1 Monica Nicolescu Maja Matarić Gunter Niemeyer Benjamin Kuipers Warren Dixon Jill Drury Jana Koseka Brian Scassellati

NSF Human-Robot Interaction Workshop2 What must researchers and NSF do to achieve measurable results in HRI?  Established NSF program, long term; start with short-term funding  For interdisciplinary research, it takes time to get tangible results  Use measures: HR team does better than H and R alone (improve human performance)  User studies: get new design criteria  Get to more visible (public, external) situations

NSF Human-Robot Interaction Workshop3 What must researchers and NSF do to achieve measurable results in HRI?  Get a better understanding of the application areas, gain insight into different domain  To what extent should we have an integrated system  Prove the hypothesis of the work  Performance measuring is subtle what measures are needed?

NSF Human-Robot Interaction Workshop4 What must researchers and NSF do to achieve measurable results in HRI?  Set some challenges (common platform, set goals, set interfaces, generic model of the robot) Standard platform Wheelchair, humanoid Are we at the point where we can make these challenges? (yes, for some domains – wheelchair) Don’t want to fall into one category

NSF Human-Robot Interaction Workshop5 What must researchers and NSF do to achieve measurable results in HRI?  What do we need to do to meet the needs of social interaction  Should we work on so many diverse things Possibly better to work on individual parts There are common issues across different platforms  Design systems with more sophisticated interaction Better interfaces  Better use of technologies that are available  What is the timeline for deploying robots to real-world applications

NSF Human-Robot Interaction Workshop6 What must researchers and NSF do to achieve measurable results in HRI?  Does momentum means moving together -> common applications, theories  Continue collaborations just like we did so far Clusters are emerging – focal points of research  Goals (Focal points): Manipulation Mobility (structured/unstructured domain) Social interactions

NSF Human-Robot Interaction Workshop7 What must researchers and NSF do to achieve measurable results in HRI?  Types of interaction Dexterous Social Navigation  Roles R as tool/peer/teacher  Methods (cross-cutting) Natural language Perception Representations Properties of instrumentations (what can be done with a particular interface)

NSF Human-Robot Interaction Workshop8 Name a few major applications that will dominate the use of HRI in research results  Follows from previous question  Make some structure in the field (above dimensions)

NSF Human-Robot Interaction Workshop9 How do these applications demonstrate the use of HRI research results?  H & R perform better than alone Comfort, energy use, speed, other metrics  Need to define the applications  Need another dimension to the above spectrum elder care, therapy, search and rescue …

NSF Human-Robot Interaction Workshop10 What needs to be done to establish HRI as a field and build a strong HRI community  HRI conferences, HRI journals, targeted funding  Industry involvement  HRI textbook/handbook