1 Dr. Marie Zener As Class Convenes u Find your team u Pick up your team’s folder; u Remove all old work u Sign attendance form
2 Dr. Marie Zener Session Agenda u Quiz on Reading5 min Quiz u Persuasion & Argument 35 min u Peer Assessment of Notebooks35 min
Persuasion Review Patterns of Organization Develop Arguments to be Persuasive Turn Information into Evidence
4 Dr. Marie Zener Patterns are: u How you organize your information in any type of communication.
5 Dr. Marie Zener Common Patterns u Step by Step u Chronological u Spatial
6 Dr. Marie Zener Patterns Continued u Decreasing order of importance u General to Specific (deductive) u Specific to General (inductive)
7 Dr. Marie Zener Persuasive Pattern u Strategy of organization where you present evidence to support your point of view and to support your professional credibility
8 Dr. Marie Zener Persuasion is used to: u Convince audience to adopt a certain point of view or u To pursue a certain line of action
9 Dr. Marie Zener Argument Forms the basis for all persuasive patterns of development
10 Dr. Marie Zener Arguments are Strategies used to: – Present your evidence – Support your point – Support your professional credibility
11 Dr. Marie Zener Argument is used to: u Present evidence or logic to support a point of view
12 Dr. Marie Zener Persuade vs Inform The same information organized differently can: –persuade an audience to adopt your point of view or –inform the audience of what has been done
13 Dr. Marie Zener When you use Persuasion You take the same information & just organize it differently to persuade audience to adopt your point of view
14 Dr. Marie Zener Arguments u Go in discussion section u Support conclusions or recommendations
Arguments Deal with opinions
16 Dr. Marie Zener Opinions are: u Propositions u PremisesHypothesis u ClaimsConclusions u Thesis
17 Dr. Marie Zener Arguments lie: Somewhere between – Verifiable fact & – Pure subjectivity
18 Dr. Marie Zener Arguments Lie: Verifiable Fact Pure Subjectivity Opinion (scale)
Verifiable Fact No need to argue
Pure subjectivity Cannot convince with argument
21 Dr. Marie Zener Purpose of Argument To convince audience the probability that your opinions are correct
22 Dr. Marie Zener Arguments usually Support 1 major opinion or major proposition
23 Dr. Marie Zener Major proposition is your major opinion
24 Dr. Marie Zener Minor Propositions Used to back up or support major with evidence
25 Dr. Marie Zener Arguments Usually u Consist of –one major opinion or –one major proposition u Supported by –several minor opinions or –several minor propositions
26 Dr. Marie Zener Minor Propositions u Nearer to verifiable facts u Statement from recognized authorities
27 Dr. Marie Zener Support argument with: è Simply stated verifiable facts è Statements from recognized authorities
28 Dr. Marie Zener ASU Example u Problem: u Not enough money to adequately support athletic program
29 Dr. Marie Zener Where did they start? u Gathering Information u What kind of information?
30 Dr. Marie Zener Two Thought Questions u What does the Major Proposition become in written formal report? u The Title u What do Minor Propositions become in written reports? u The section headings
31 Dr. Marie Zener Comments on Design Notebooks u All work needs initials and a date u All major pieces of work need Context and Discussion u Design Notebook is not just a collection of work summaries - the notebook includes all the work
32 Dr. Marie Zener First Peer Notebook Review u Give your Design Notebook to the team with three higher letters (B to E, C to F, D to G, E to H, F to B, G to C, and H to D) u Using the following checklists –TA5 Design Notebook Audit –Notebook Structure –Product Selection –Needs Analysis Task –Other tasks, if work present assess the work
33 Dr. Marie Zener First Peer Notebook Review u When you have completed the review, two members return the notebook and discuss the review with the team u Place your TA5 Checklist in your team folder (not notebook) and return folder to front of room. The checklist can be picked up from MAE office 15 minutes after class.