Prelim 3 is next week! Mars climate change Jupiter and Saturn Uranus and Neptune Asteroids, comets, impacts Pluto, trans-Neptunian region, Kuiper Belt,


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Presentation transcript:

Prelim 3 is next week! Mars climate change Jupiter and Saturn Uranus and Neptune Asteroids, comets, impacts Pluto, trans-Neptunian region, Kuiper Belt, Oort Cloud Outer planet satellites and rings

Kuiper Belt vs. Oort Cloud

The Pluto system Nix and Hydra: discovered in 2005 Charon: discovered in 1978 Pluto: discovered in

The best picture we have of Pluto

Dwarf planets are small

The Galilean moons From

Europa, Ganymede and Callisto Image from

Close-up of Europa Image from

Io’s tidal heating Images from Elliptical orbit caused by orbital resonance Synchronous rotation

Titan Images from and

Enceladus Images from and

Hyperion Image from

Hyperion as seen by Voyager 2 Image from

Miranda Image from

Miranda: 5km-high scarp (cliff) Image from

Miranda: Chevron grooves Image from

Triton Image from