Creating Flow between Sentence. 增加可讀性 : OPTIMAL ORDERING OF NOUN PHRASES II  Put Topical information in Subject Position The sentences of a paragraph.


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Presentation transcript:

Creating Flow between Sentence

增加可讀性 : OPTIMAL ORDERING OF NOUN PHRASES II  Put Topical information in Subject Position The sentences of a paragraph must around the paragraphic topic - to keep the focus and - to contribute to paragraph unity The sentences of a paragraph must around the paragraphic topic - to keep the focus and - to contribute to paragraph unity Not all investor will benefit from All-Savers Certificates. Investors exceeding a deposit of $7931 would have after-tax yield lower than alternative investments, such as money market found or Treasury bill. Investors redeeming their certificates within 1-year maturity period would also have a lower after-tax benefit and would pay a penalty besides. The paragraph topic is that the investor have a lower benefit from alternative. Note: 1. after-tax yield 這東西可以用 have 來形容擁有

增加可讀性 : Put “ Light ” before “ Heavy ” Noun Phrases  Light and heavy noun phrase Light=> simple, short Heavy=> long and complex  Since the mind only can process a maximum of 9 separate item of information  put the light unit before heavy ones  目的 : giving a fuller sense of the sentence ’ s structure early 形容很差的情況, 你可以使用 awkward 這個名詞

大主詞的情況 The idea of designing and producing an economical AM/FM receiver that is both affordable for the average consumer and profitable for the company was introduced. long subject Make reader see the complete subject and verbs It was suggested that we design and produce an economical AM/FM receiver that will be both affordable for the average consumer and profitable for the company was introduced. Understanding fully 的問題, 可以使用 comprehension 形容 不貴 => 可以用 affordable 形容 有利可圖  profitable 形容

Long subject -- Case 2 That we are in the midst of a pollution crisis is obvious. long subject Shift the heavy item to the end of the sentence Replace it with the pronoun it. It is obvious that we are in the midst of a pollution crisis.

對一個句子加入 introductory unit  For the easy of reading, keep the introductory unit as short as possible At the September and October meetings of all company engineers, it was suggested that we design and produce an economical AM/FM receiver that will be both affordable for the average consumer and profitable for the company was introduced. Introductory unit